Response to your mail communication and your invoice received on xxx


Date: xxx Ref. xxx To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai Subject:             Response to your mail communication and your invoice received on xxx Dear Sir, With reference to above, since it was a first invoice… Continue reading Response to your mail communication and your invoice received on xxx

Submission of Contract agreement

subcontractor contract agreement.

Date: xxx Ref. xxx To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai Subject:             Submission of Contract agreement Dear Sir, With reference to above mentioned, we are submitting 03 sets of Contract agreement Documents. Kindly review ,… Continue reading Submission of Contract agreement

Communication Protocol

Office checks forms, priority list checks, check mark list and checking paper to do checklists.

Date: xxx Ref. xxx To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai Subject:              Communication Protocol Dear Sir, With reference to above mentioned, the following is the sequence of communication to be followed : All correspondence to… Continue reading Communication Protocol

Letter Regarding Acceptance of LPO terms and Conditions

terms and conditions

Date: xxx Ref. xxx To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai Subject:              Letter Regarding Acceptance of LPO terms and Conditions Dear Sir, With reference to above mentioned subject, we are attaching the nomination letter Ref… Continue reading Letter Regarding Acceptance of LPO terms and Conditions

Our concern for the LPO terms and conditions which is received from M/s xxx

terms and conditions

Date: xxx Ref. xxx To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai Subject:             Our concern for the LPO terms and conditions which is received from M/s xxx with ref dated xxx and also our letter… Continue reading Our concern for the LPO terms and conditions which is received from M/s xxx

Regarding the issue of new building permit

Regarding the issue of new building permit

Ref: xxx Date: xxx To, xxx Dubai, UAE Kind Attn         : xxx Project             : Plot No. xxx, Al Barsha, Dubai, UAE. Contarctor       : xxx Contracting LLC Client               : xxx Subject            : Regarding the issue of new building permit Dear Sir, With reference to the above, the project was handed over to the new contractor and… Continue reading Regarding the issue of new building permit

Regarding additional documents handing over

delivery of Tiles and cheque copy.

Ref: xxx Date: xxx To, xxx Dubai, UAE Kind Attn         : xxx Project             : Plot No. xxx, Al Barsha, Dubai, UAE. Contarctor       : xxx Contracting LLC Client               : xxx Subject            : Regarding additional documents handing over. Dear Sir, With reference to the above, and our continues support, we also handed over more document wide ref… Continue reading Regarding additional documents handing over


delivery of Tiles and cheque copy.

Ref: xxx Date: xxx To, xxx Dubai, UAE Kind Attn         : xxx Project             : Plot No. xxx, Al Barsha, Dubai, UAE. Contarctor       : xxx Contracting LLC Client               : xxx Subject            : HANDING OVER OF DOCUMENTS Dear Sir, With reference to the above we are submitting the following documents, kindly acknowledge and received. The complete compaction… Continue reading HANDING OVER OF DOCUMENTS

Regarding to increase manpower to accelerate interior fit out and external painting

Painting works

Date: xxx                   Ref. xxx To                  :  M/s. xxx Technical Service LLC. Kind Att        :  Mr. xxx Kumar Project         :  2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at                         Al   Barsha 1st, Dubai, U.A.E.  Subject         : Regarding to increase manpower to accelerate interior fit out and external… Continue reading Regarding to increase manpower to accelerate interior fit out and external painting

Regarding approval of external painting sample from sigma

Textured Anti Carbonated

Date: xxx                   Ref. xxx To                  :  M/s. xxx Technical Service LLC. Kind Att        :  Mr. xxx Kumar Project         :  2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at                         Al   Barsha 1st, Dubai, U.A.E.  Subject         : Regarding approval of external painting sample from sigma     Dear Sir,… Continue reading Regarding approval of external painting sample from sigma

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