Client instruction to contact you for quotation to resize/ cutting the toilet wall tile due to size issue in the supply.

Date: xxx CC/HARJ /001/17 To:                   M/s. xxx Bldg. Mat & Marbles TR. Project:               2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:           Regarding client instruction to contact you for quotation to resize/ cutting the toilet wall tile due to size issue in the supply. Dear Mr. Saheer, With reference above, […]

Performance of Engineer xxx (QA/QC Engineer)

To:                  xxx (QA/QC Engineer) Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:          Performance of Engineer xxx (QA/QC Engineer) Dear xxx, You have been kept absent today as the inspection for the installation of PT materials at 2nd floor PT slab was rejected due to poor quality, since you […]

Guide line for surveyor work

Date: xxx CC/SITE/07/16 Kind Attn:          Land surveyor Project:             2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building Plot No.:            373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:           Guide line for surveyor work Dear Surveyor, Kindly note the following: Surveyor must report at the site to PM –Mr. xxx where all the level of points are to marked for that will be […]

Micro level detailing of Structural drawings

Date: xxx CC/SITE/06/16 Kind Attn:         xxx Rai Project:            2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building Plot No.:           373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:          Micro level detailing of Structural drawings Dear Foreman, Regarding block work and Block status, inspection is done without chipping. Toilet D2 sub frame is not fixing in Basement 02 ( there is mistake in […]

Micro level detailing of Structural drawings

Kind Attn: Project:            2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building Plot No.:           373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:          Micro level detailing of Structural drawings Dear Manisha, You have to prepare micro level detailing of structural drawings of the following: All structural drawings details related to column, core wall and slab for all Floors from 4th Floor level. […]

Responsibility of Site Engineer

Date: xxx CC/SITE/3/16 Kind Attn:        Mr. xxx Project:             2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building Plot No.:            373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:           Responsibility of Site Engineer Dear xxx, Understand the following and confirm. DM approved drawings to be followed always Work Allotted Reply   1   Alignment of Columns and RC Walls and Core walls   […]

Calculate the variation from tender and revised drawing

Date: xxx CC/SITE/2/16 Kind Attn: Project:             2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building Plot No.:            373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:    calculate the variation from tender and revised drawing       Dear xxx, We need the following in writing by today We assigned you to calculate the variation from tender and revised drawing 15 days back which hardly requires 3 […]

Understand the given instructions

Date: xxx CC/SITE/1/16 Kind Attn:,, Project:             2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building Plot No.:            373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:           Understand the given instructions Dear All, Understand the following and confirm Work will be executed from approved DM drawing and gridline reference from DM approved drawing. Do not allow to make change by sub-contractor […]

Cancellation of Internal Daily Co-ordination Meeting

CIRCULAR Date: 02.06.16                                                Kind Attn:        M/s xxx General Contracting LLC Project:            2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building Plot No.:          373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai Subject:           Cancellation of Internal Daily Co-ordination Meeting Dear All,             As per oral discussion and instruction of, that our co-ordination meeting has no meaning or any result oriented.            Hence from today […]