Responsibility of Site Engineer

Responsibility of Site Engineer

Date: xxx


Kind Attn:        Mr. xxx

Project:             2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building

Plot No.:            373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai

Subject:           Responsibility of Site Engineer

Dear xxx,

Understand the following and confirm. DM approved drawings to be followed always

S.noWork AllottedReply
  1  Alignment of Columns and RC Walls and Core walls   
2Plumb checking of Columns and Core wall   
3Rebar/Dowel bars checking for handling beams and stairs. 
4Gridline marking for Columns checking   
5Support and tie rod holes should be checked properly   
6Tie rod holes should be closed properly   
7Housekeeping on the slab   
8Make proper platform for inspection with all safety measures   
9Checking all the levels of the services opening as per drawing   
10Checking all the dimensions of Columns RC walls and Core walls   
11Attend the QC Engineer for inspection prior to consultant’s inspection. 

You must convey people what you need and make sure you requirement is fulfilled and reply back


For Chirag Contracting L.L.C    


General Manager

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