Undertaking letter for temporary scaffold for swimming pool deck slab before concrete.

Undertaking Letter

Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject: Undertaking letter for temporary scaffold for swimming pool deck slab before concrete. Dear Sir Referring to the above, please note… Continue reading Undertaking letter for temporary scaffold for swimming pool deck slab before concrete.

Request for the documents for Trakhees


Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject: Request for the documents for Trakhees Approval Dear Sir With reference to the above mentioned subject, The discussion with consultant… Continue reading Request for the documents for Trakhees

Submission of Gas proposed gas system drawing to submit to concern authority


Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject: Submission of Gas proposed gas system drawing by our sub contractor M/s Royal Gas request to submit to concern authority… Continue reading Submission of Gas proposed gas system drawing to submit to concern authority

DEWA comments for International City site


Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject    : DEWA comments for International City site. Dear Sir With reference to the above mentioned subject, please find the comments… Continue reading DEWA comments for International City site

Please hold any order of material for above mentioned project till further confirmation.

steel rebar for reinforcement concrete at construction site with house under construction background

Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject: Please hold any order of material for above mentioned project till further confirmation. Dear Sir With reference to the above… Continue reading Please hold any order of material for above mentioned project till further confirmation.

AC foundation Layout for Lower & Upper Roof


Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject: AC foundation Layout for Lower & Upper Roof Dear Sir With reference to the above mentioned subject, we would like… Continue reading AC foundation Layout for Lower & Upper Roof

G.I Duct work for Kitchen and Toilet.

Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject: G.I Duct work for Kitchen and Toilet. Dear Sir, With reference to the above mentioned we would like to inform… Continue reading G.I Duct work for Kitchen and Toilet.

Passenger Hoist Lift third Party Certificate

Passenger Hoist

Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject: Passenger Hoist Lift third Party Certificate Dear Sir With reference to the above mentioned subject, we are here by submitting… Continue reading Passenger Hoist Lift third Party Certificate

Subject: Please clear doubt fire rating of door (Clear doubts in circular) for   resistance and rating.


Ref: xxx Date: xxx To: P.O Box: xxx Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant. Subject: Please clear doubt fire rating of door (Clear doubts in circular) for   resistance and rating. Dear Sir With reference to… Continue reading Subject: Please clear doubt fire rating of door (Clear doubts in circular) for   resistance and rating.

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