Pods Ready to Handover

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Pods Ready to Handover Dear Mr. xxx, Please be noted that the Plot 001 – Block 1, Block 2, & Block 3 are completely ready for Handing over. I appreciate if you can take […]

Delivery and Installation of all pods completed

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Delivery and Installation of all pods completed Dear Mr. xxx, This is in reference to the Project XXX Staff Accommodation IMPZ, Dubai; xxx have completed delivering the required quantity of pods of all types […]

Bathroom Floor Slope your letter dated 23rd December Ref –xxx 180

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Bathroom Floor Slope your letter dated 23rd December Ref –xxx 180 Dear Mr. xxx, Regarding the slope in our bathrooms I would like to give you an explanation, the same which we had discussed […]

Reply Bathroom Floor Slope

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Reply Bathroom Floor Slope Dear Mr. Jamal, Please be informed that as per approved drawings and various discussions during the projects design stage, a local slope of 5mm is only provided towards the drain […]

Reply to Letter 174 Delay in Pod Erection

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Reply to Letter 174 Delay in Pod Erection          Dear Mr. xxx, We received you letter regarding the delay in installing our pods. We had made xxx Engineering aware in our letter on 1st of […]

Your Letter ref xxx  dated 24 Nov’xx; Delay in Pod Erection

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Your Letter ref xxx  dated 24 Nov’xx; Delay in Pod Erection Dear Mr. xxx, A/ We received today your aforementioned letter regarding RAK precast alleged delay in pod erection in plot 6 block 6. […]

Production Finished for the Project  

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Production Finished for the Project      Dear Mr. xxx, We would like to inform you that the production of pods for your project is completed in our factory. As per our earlier schedule we should […]

Delivered Pods spoiled by others

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Delivered Pods spoiled by others           Dear Mr. xxx, I would like to highlight again regarding our pods getting damaged and spoiled by other subcontractors. We are struggling to keep our pods in good condition […]

Site Issues for XXX

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : Site Issues for XXX Dear Mr. xxx, As I have mentioned during our meeting on 7th September xxx, there are area which needs your immediate attention. xxx cannot be hold response for any such […]

xxx Temporary replacement of Project Manager

Ref                                         : XXX/1437/XXX-050 Date                                      : 03th July XXX To                                           : XXX ENGINEERING AND CONTRACTING Attention                            : Mr. xxx Project                                 : XXX STAFF ACCOMADATION Subject                                 : xxx Temporary replacement of Project Manager Dear Mr. Jamal, As I am going on my Annual leave from 3rd of August, Mr. xxx will be your point of Contact from xxx in my absence. […]