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Selection of Tiles and other Prime Cost items.

Tiles and other Prime Cost items

Tiles and other Prime Cost items

Date: xxx.

Ref.: xxx

Total Pages: 1


Mr. xxx

The Owner

Project:          Proposed G+1 Private Villa for Mr. xxx,

On Plot No. xxx At Nad Al Shiba First, Dubai, UAE.

Subject:          Selection of Tiles and other Prime Cost items.

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above-mentioned subject, as you informed earlier vide our several letters through Consultant and verbal request to make selection of tile and others prime cost items and we shared details measurement sheet of floor and wall area to support your selection.

Tiles selection for entire project are extreme critical now, as block work has completed for both floors. Site will be ready by next 10 days for fixing of tiles at both dry and wet areas.

Therefore, we reiterate our request to expedite selection of tile and confirm us with details to coordinate with supplier and produce shop drawing.

The contractor reserve it right to claim extension of time to complete the work and associate cost for the same.

 This is for your kind action and record.

Yours Sincerely

xxx Building Contracting LLC      

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