Regarding your Letter Ref. NO. DES/CM/AP/CC/05 dated xxx and Ref. No. DECS/CM/AP/CC07 dated xx


Date            : xxx

Ref               : CC/DESTEC/011

To                 : M/s. xxx GROUP, PO Box 47395, Sharjah UAE.

Project          : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai.

Subject        : Regarding your Letter Ref. NO. DES/CM/AP/CC/05 dated 18/10/17 and Ref. No. DECS/CM/AP/CC07 dated 06/11/17

Dear Mr. xxx,

With reference to the above mentioned subject, please find our reply and concerns as below:

  1. Refer with Letter. Ref. No. DECS/CM/AP/CC07 dated 06/11/17, our clearance in order of your item dated as below:
  1. DES – Provide us the schedule of All Day Dining above ceiling MEP work completion to start our ceiling frame work (DES/CM/AP/RIW/003/R01) dated 01st Nov. 2017 / column issues from awaited from the consultant.

CC – MEP works in HR will be completed by 16/11/2017

  • DES – Provide us the schedule of All Day Dining wall MEP work completion to start our wall paint preparation  work for receive paint (DES/CM/AP/CC/ADD/RIW/005) dated 01st November 2017.

CC – Will be completed by 16/11/2017

  • DES – Please check MEP work for completion in All Day Dining to start floor screeding work (DES/CM/AP/CC/ADD/RIW/002/R01) dated 01st November 2017.

CC –will start on 19/11/2017

  • DES – Please check MEP work completion in Stag Bar as we already start our ceiling frame work (DES/CM/AP/CC/SD/RIW/003/R01) dated 01st November 2017.

CC – co-ordination in progress

  • DES – Provide us the schedule of Stag Bar wall MEP work completion to start our wall paint preparation work for receive paint (DES/CM/AP/CC/SB/RIW/006) dated 1st November 2017.

CC – we advise to finish screed works first and proceed the paint after. By that time we will clear all our issues.

  • DES – Please check MEP work completion in Stag Bar to start floor screeding work (DES/CM/AP/CC/SB/RIW/002/R01) dated 01st November 2017

CC – 13/11/2017

  •  Your statement that your team is idle due to non-availability of work clearance, we are not accepting this statement since we have only MEP works, and MEP drawings was issued recently as you did not provide the approved drawings.
  • The co-ordination between Emirates Kitchen, your company being carried out directly and finally we resolve the same so it is you who is lacking co-ordination.

This is for your kind information and records.



Project Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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