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Method Statement Title: Installation & Testing of Above Ground Drainage Piping

uPVC High Pressure Water Supply Piping System Installation Procedure

uPVC High Pressure Water Supply Piping System Installation Procedure

Method Statement Title: Installation & Testing of Above Ground Drainage Piping

1.0       Scope :

  1. This method statement details the method for installation and hydrostatic testing of above ground drainage piping. 

Note  :  For the installation & testing of Above ground drainage piping concealed in columns & shear walls, refer to method statement Ref: ETA/BDR/TW1/CD/0095.

2.0       Material :

b)   For 3” dia & above              –           Push fit jointing. 

3.0       Applicable locations :

            Towers, Podium & Villas.

4.0       Method :

4.1.1     When off-loading, pipes shall be lowered to the ground either manually or with mechanical aid like crane depending on the quantity of the pipe and should not be dropped to the ground.  Refer Manufacturer’s instruction for transport, handling and storage (Annexure – 1). 

4.2       Preparation :

4.3       Installation :

4.3.7     Expansion couplings are provided at necessary locations as per manufacturer’s recommendations & shop drawing.  Refer Anneuxre-I for Manufacturer’s recommendation to allow for the expansion.

Important Notice :

If pipes are cut on site, make sure that the new spigot are cut square with a fine toothed saw and are chamfered to half pipe thickness with a coarse file before jointing. 

5.0       Testing

5.2       Hydrostatic Testing :

6.1       Refer MS/P-017.

7.0       Safety :

6.1        During the installation & testing, all safety precautions shall be followed as per the established Project safety plan. 

7.0       Records :

8.0       Attachments :

8.1       Test Format

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