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Purpose of work: It describes the methodology for the execution / treatment for the Bulged Surface Area at Retaining Wall ( Ret. 3A)

  1. Project Specification
  2. Approved Drawing
    A. Surface Preparation
  3. Surveyor give mark for the proper measurement of Retaining Wall thickness.
  4. Chipping/ Cutting / Grinding of Mark Excess Concrete will be removed to attain the proper thickness of the wall.
  5. All loose materials to be removed from the surface, clean and uncontaminated.
  6. After doing apply the Approved Material for Concrete Repair.
    B. Mixing 1. One bag 25kg of Polycrete MC requires 2.75-3.25 liter of clean potable water . 2. Mix in suitable size drum using on approved grout paddle at a slow speed (300/400 rpm) with heavy duty drill. 3. Pour required amount of water in mixing vessel followed by Polycrete MC. 4. Mix for 3 minutes to get homogeneous and consistent mix. C. Placing 1. The mix material should be placed within 30 minutes it can be poured or pumped in to the repair area to fill the cavity at the required level. 2. No vibrator is required after concrete has initially set , the surface may be finished to the desired Texture.
    D. Curing
    Due to the presence of rapid drying polymers ,the repaired area shall be cured in accordance with good concrete curing practice. Curing shall be done by non degradable type of curing compound or wet hessian cloth. When cured with wet hessian cloth, the area shall be covered immediately with high density polyethylene sheet which shall be taped to all edges. It will take maximum of 24 hours treatment time.
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