Handover Follow up

Handover Follow up

To                           : xxx CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTING CO. Ltd

                                  P.O.BOX xxx, JEDDAH xxx, K.S.A.

Attention            : Eng M. xxx

                                : Mob: 055 xxx

Project                 : xxx HOTEL PROJECT – MAKKAH

Subject                 : Handover Follow up

Dear Eng M. Khalaf,

Following up on our letter dates 18th February regarding the Handing over so far we didn’t got any pods handed over and signed by someone from your side. Mr. xxx (Mob: 058 xxx) is at site to do the handing over and your support is very much required.   

We have to complete the hand over process in stages so we recommend UCCL to receive the pods up to 10th floor which is ready with no comments.

Considering the relationship with UCCL we have initiated to get you some materials which you cannot source it from KSA to complete the site damages which we don’t know works. There are items which gone missing from pods for which xxx cannot be hold responsible.

We urge you to take the necessary measures to finish the hand over in a time frame which is acceptable to both of us.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

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