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Confirmation on procurement and production

Pods Damaged by other at site

Pods Damaged by other at site

To                    :           xxx Real Estate Development Co. Ltd.           

Al Khobar, Dammam            Saudi Arabia.

Attention          :           Engr. xxx,Architect

Project             :           xxx Housing Project


Subject            :           xxx Villas Project / Confirmation on procurement and production                Dear Eng. xxx,

As discussed during our meeting held at your office in Damam on 06.01.2019, this is to place in record that the pods Unipods delivered to site are approved in terms of Quality and the Materials used in the pods(Architecture, Civil, Sanitary, Brassware and its accessories).   We are fully aware about the 2 comments and would like to clarify as follows,  

1.    Drainage pipes and fittings: Unipods will do what is required to resolve the drainage concerns discussed in all the future delivered pods. Al Hakmiah confirmed the delivered pods will be managed at site.

2.    Bathroom Lights: Regarding the down lights s and spot lights, Unipods can comply with your requirement of 4000K Lumina. Attached the Technical data sheet for your review and approval.  

Please note that based on your confirmation we are proceeding with the procurement of all the materials as per the attached Material submittal register so that we can deliver the pods at the earliest.

o we request you to kindly acknowledge this letter with your signature & Stamp and send back this back to us for our records reference.  This is for your information and further action.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of Unipods LLC

Balamurali Mohan

Projects Manager

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