Material Submittal and Pod Mock up

Material Submittal and Pod Mock up

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Building Contracting LLC                        

P. O. Box xxx

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           Mr. xxx

                        :           Project Manager

Project             :           xxx HEIGHTS, Dubai

Subject            :           Material Submittal and Pod Mock up

Dear Mr. xxx,

With reference to the above subject and email (dated xxx) in this regard please find our concern and proposals as below.

  1. MA-073 Shower Drain AS 50 SS 75 x 75 (Rejected)
  1. The Stainless Steel grade 316 to be used – Please note that all the materials we used in the pods are as per the agreed budget with our commercial team. We don’t have any issue in providing you with Grade 316 SS cover which will have a cost implication. If you agree then our commercial team will submit the cost difference for your approval.
  • Provide the latest test certificates and Country of Origin Certificates – Duly Noted.

We will check with the supplier and will provide you the requested documents.

2.       MA-077 Mirror at Vanity Area (Rejected)

  1. Provide the Technical details of the Mirror as per the approved pod Sample – This

is submitted for an approval on the materials including the TDS of the mirror and the adhesive used to fix the mirrors. We have also submitted the drawings on which we have shown further details of the mirrors dimension. 

Can you please advise what technical details you are expecting from us.

MOCKUP Pod Comments

We noticed on the received Inspection Request there are 3 comments which also need clarifications.

A.      Additional Spot Light Required – As mentioned earlier the pod details are already reviewed by the client and agreed based on the commercial terms. So any additional requirements from the approved mockup will have a cost implication. So we appreciate if you can confirm the same so that we will raise the additional cost for an approval to proceed further with your request.

B.      Soap Basket (More Options) – All the materials used are already agreed between the client and commercial team. So changing to another model may have an impact on the cost and delivery. So can you please confirm how to proceed on your request.

C.      Robehook (More Options) – All the materials used are already agreed between the client and commercial team. So changing to another model may have an impact on the cost and delivery. So can you please confirm how to proceed on your request.

We are looking forward to receive your positive response on all the above points to move further.

Thanks and appreciate your cooperation. 

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager     

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