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Letter Regarding Acceptance of LPO terms and Conditions

terms and conditions

terms and conditions

Date: xxx

Ref. xxx

To:                     M/s. xxx , Metal Wowks

Project:              2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

Subject:              Letter Regarding Acceptance of LPO terms and Conditions

Dear Sir,

With reference to above mentioned subject, we are attaching the nomination letter Ref no.AP/269/269 dated 04.10.16 , LPO terms and conditions letter issued by M/s xxx contracting CC/vin/1610 Dated 16.10.16 and CC/METALU/001 Dated 22.10.16, Please note that LPO terms and conditions are agreed by M/s Metalu metal works.

Kindly provide your confirmation for the same

For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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