Request for HSE induction

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject                                 : Request for HSE induction Dear Sir, We hereby confirm that the below listed of personals work under supervision of xxx LLC, and request […]

Response to Damage to Finished works

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Response to Damage to Finished works Dear Mr. Patrick, We received your letter Ref: xxx, dated xxx in regards to the DLP notification […]

Response to Instruction for missing/damaged items

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Response to Instruction for missing/damaged items Dear Mr. Yasser, We duly received you letter Ref: xxx, dated xx instructing xxx to proceed with […]

Response to Full time presence of Construction Manager/Site Manager

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Response to Full time presence of Construction Manager/Site Manager Dear Mr. Yasser, We noted your Letter Ref: xxx, dated xxx and would to […]

Response to Manpower provided by Contractor

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Response to Manpower provided by Contractor Dear Mr. xxx, Further to your letter Ref: xxx, dated xxx we agree the cost for the […]

Day work xxx Back charge – Removal of Waste and Housekeeping – xxx Reply

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            : Day work xxx Back charge – Removal of Waste and Housekeeping – xxx Reply           Dear Mr. Yasser, We received your letter Ref: xxx dated […]

Warranties and Operating & Maintenance Manuals

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Warranties and Operating & Maintenance Manuals          Dear Mr. Yasser, We refer to your letter (Ref: xxx DATED xxx) for the draft warranty and […]

Closing of SOS 

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Closing of SOS            Dear Mr. Yasser, We received your Letter Ref: xxx, Aconex Ref: xxx regarding the closing of all the pending SOS. […]

Submittal of renewed Workmens Compensation Insurance and

Property all risks policy Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Submittal of renewed Workmen’s Compensation Insurance and Property all risks policy Dear Mr. Yasser, In reference to the xxx […]

Response to Factory visit at xxx for B11- Corporate Housing Pods.

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Response to Factory visit at xxx for B11- Corporate Housing Pods. Dear Mr. Yasser, In reference to the factory visit report dated xxx, […]