xxx Cables – A proposal for a solution for your kind consideration

xxx Cables – A proposal for a solution for your kind consideration

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Contracting Middle East,

                                   P.O.Box xxx,

                                   Dubai, UAE 

Attention          :           Ms. xxx

                        :           Project Director

Project             :           xxx Tower Views, Dubai

Subject                 : xxx Cables – A proposal for a solution for your kind consideration

Dear Eng. xxx,

We believe there is lots of misperceptions surrounding the delivery of xxx Cables.  The aim of this message is to clarify what happened and propose two solutions for your kind consideration.

  1. The History
  2. The supplier confirmed that LSF cables will take minimum 10 weeks from order placement and payment date.  If we assume that Xxx placed the order and made the payment by 15th of August xxx, which means within a week and a half from the Subcontract, the cables would reach Xxx in the beginning of November 2019.
  3. The above schedule was not acceptable as it would delay the overall delivery of the pods.  For this reason, Xxx could not place the order and make the payment until a solution is found i.e. or we incentivize the supplier to reduce the delivery period, or an alternative is found.  Please refer to our letter Ref: xxx dated xxx for the full list.
  • Solution 1 (preferable)
  • As you know, the specifications of the project and the material approval states that LSF cables should be used only in Common Public Area, Fire Escape Route, Exposed containment in parking lots and Corridor False Ceiling Void.
  • The PVC cables are approved for all other areas, including the bathroom pods.  Please find attached the approval in this regard.
  • Xxx initially tried to use PVC cables, but it was rejected during the mockup inspection, and we were asked to use LSF cables.  Please refer to the Work Inspection Request No. DTVII-CSC-A-WIR-017 dated 26th May 2019.  Also, on 14th April 2019, we were asked to use LSF cables under the MEP comments sent by Eng. Abdul Hakeem Mustafa.
  • For your information, the lead time of delivery for PVC cables is about two weeks from order confirmation, which means all our delivery problems for the cables can be resolved just by sticking to the specifications and using PVC cables.
  • By return, please give us an approval to proceed with PVC cables so we put an end to the delivery problem of cables from now, and until the end of the project.
  • Solution 2
  • For Towers 2 and Tower 3, we kindly ask you to reconsider approving another brand (Ducab submittal is already in your file).  We believe if we start the whole tower with a new brand, there should not be an issue. 
  • Ducab delivery period, last time we checked, was about two weeks.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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