Comply with particular specification for pod Gypsum walls

Comply with particular specification for pod Gypsum walls

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Contracting Middle East,

                                   P.O.Box xxx,

                                   Dubai, UAE 

Attention          :           Ms. xxx

                        :           Project Director

Project             :           xxx Tower Views, Dubai

Subject                 : Comply with particular specification for pod walls

Dear Mr. Chen,

We refer to our letter Ref: xxx dated xxx.

  1. We remind you that we are still waiting for your clear instructions on how to move forward in respect to which gypsum board to use.
  • Do you want us to change the gypsum board to “Glass Mat Board (external)”?  The technical details are already in your files.
  • Do you want us to continue with the currently used gypsum board ?
  • We would like to place on record that the wall system submittal is handled by xxx for the whole project, including for the pods.  xxx has little visibility on the discussion between xxx and the Consultant / Client.  In case you would like xxx to take action in this regard – whether in discussing directly with the Consultant, or submitting the Gypsemna Glass Mat Board, or submitting Gyproc, please let us know.
  • We remind you that the production of new pods is totally stopped until the gypsum board issue is resolved.  This reality will have an impact on the delivery schedule, particularly, a risk of delaying the start of deliveries on Towers 2 and 3.

Once again, we urge you to take a decision and give us clear instruction on what action is required to be taken by xxx.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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