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Selection of Sanitary Items for xxx Views Tower

Sanitary Accessories

Sanitary Accessories

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Contracting Middle East,

                                   P.O.Box xxx,

                                   Dubai, UAE 

Attention          :           Ms. xxx

                        :           Project Director

Project             :           xxx Tower Views, Dubai

Subject            :           Selection of Sanitary Items for xxx Views Tower

Ms. Sanaa xxx,

We write to you in response to the letter issued by M/s xxx Group (Ref: xxx) dated 17th of March, xxx which was forwarded to xxx by xxx on 19th March xxx via email.

Out letter is related exclusively to the items located inside bathroom pods. We confirm that the items for which installation is within the scope of xxx LLC are technically compatible with the POD framework parameters, with the except of a wash basin,

We can only acknowledge the alternative wash basin (proposed within response to RFI 265 R1) once we inspect a physical sample along with the associated mixer.

Please note that we may need access to physical control samples to get accurate dimensions of the items (which are sometimes not shown or inaccurate in product catalogs) so that our design coordination and detailing can accommodate any issues that may arise in a timely manner.


Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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