Date: xxx
Ref: xxx
Kind Attn :Mr. xxx
Project :2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha
1st, Dubai U.A.E.
Subject : Response/Concern to your letter ref no: xxx dt: xxx
Dear Sir,
With reference to your said communication and inline of reply for the same , Kindly note the following:
- Kindly specify ID work in basement area to assess and understand the scope of ID and requirement.
- To start the ID work, Main contractor must know their scope of work in detail , approved quotation/agreement copy and drawings etc., approved by consultant with coordination with our MEP team.
- Till date no ID contractor has been nominated to understand their sequence, schedule and coordination plan. We must know the predecessor/ successor activities.
- As per the new civil defense and lighting drawing which is released from your office, We are assessing the changes and variation work and variation will be submitted in due course.
So, without completion of new scope , ID contractor cannot start the work.
- The high level work for motion sensor, lighting control, structural cabling and ELV system must be completed prior to ID contractor including conduiting and lighting drawing need to be prepared as per ID drawing and to be submitted by ID subcontractor or this will be variation for us. Engineer’s instruction awaited.
- As we have space constraint at site due to which ground floor is fully packed with our materials and we need minimum 60 – 80 days to clear the area.
- Please note that the ID contractor need covered/confined space that can’t be provided this time, which will obstruct our ongoing civil work, loading/unloading as well as circulation including most of the item which cannot be kept outside under the roof.
This is for your kind intimation that ID contractor need to be nominated and sequence of the activity to be decided as per the site condition after documentation and drawing coordination.
For xxx Contracting L.L.C.
Project Manager