Reply – Termination of HVAC works Subcontract Agreement MCM-P1010-SCA-HVACW-03-2020-R1

Reply – Termination of HVAC works Subcontract Agreement MCM-P1010-SCA-HVACW-03-2020-R1

Date    :           3rd February xxx

Ref.      :           xxx/P1010/PM/2021/04

To        :           M/S. xxx Electromechanical Services LLC

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: 0529932122

Email id: [email protected]

Attention:       Mr. xxx – Managing Partner

Project :           Proposed Private G+1+R Villa on Plot No: xxx

At Al Barsha South First, Dubai-U.A.E. For Mr. xxx

Reference:          MCM letter ref. MCM/P1010/PM/2021/01 dated 19th January 2021

                              MCM letter ref. MCM/P1010/PM/2021/02 dated 27th January 2021

MCM letter ref. MCM/P1010/PM/2021/03 dated 31st January 2021

xxx letter PME/ANW/MCM/210202 dated 2nd February 2021

Subject                : Reply – Termination of HVAC works Subcontract Agreement MCM-P1010-SCA-HVACW-03-2020-R1


Dear xxx,

This is further to the above cited letters, the Subcontract Agreement ref. MCM-P1010-SCA-HVACW-03-2020-R1 dated 29th June 2020 has terminated pursuant to article (10) Termination. We advise M/S. xxx Electromechanical Services LLC, to go through the Subcontract Agreement and refrain from irresponsible reply which will save both parties time and effort.

The appointment of the new HVAC work subcontractor is in progress to fulfil our contractual obligation with the Client. Hence, you are hereby instructed to submit final invoice. Please note any additional cost will incur to complete HVAC work and any delay penalty by the client will pass to you and the same will be adjusted from your account with us.


Yours Sincerely,

xxx LLC      

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