Reminder of Our Letter Ref No.CC/HC/018 dated on xxx

Reminder of Our Letter Ref No.CC/HC/018 dated on xxx

Ref no:CC/HC/018
To:M/s xxx Center
Attn.            :Mr. xxx
Project:2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha,    Dubai
Subject:Reminder of Our Letter Ref No.CC/HC/018 dated on 30.05.2018


With reference of the above we would like to inform you that no action taken from our letter Ref No: CC/HC/017 dated on 11.06.2018 regarding your submitted variation to consultant and find consultant’s reminder for your review and re-submission.

So, this is for your kind information and take immediate action.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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