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Regarding the color code for the hollow metal door as per their respective location and missing door intimation from your list



Date: xxx

Ref: CC/ NAFCO/011/18

To                     : M/s. xxx FZCO.

Project            : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai

Atten              : Mr. xxx

Subject          : Regarding the color code for the hollow metal door as per their respective location and missing door intimation from your list

Dear Mr. xxx,

With reference to above mentioned subject,  we are intimating  to proceed  for the door fabrication and informing you the following:

1. We are attaching our IRF sheet ref 43 dated 12.04.18 from 1/7 to 7/7 and find the color code which is hand written and mark under the color door type.

2. This  only the color code for the color shade only. The color specification should be as per fire rating requirement.

3. We confirmed the site measurement and agreed on 11.04.18 and also informing you for the following missing door which are not in your list.

a.  D11- Female Locker/ Change room  at  Basement 1  -the  site measurement was took by Mr. Kishur Lal

b.  D11- Cold Food  at 1st Floor ( inside main kitchen)- the  site measurement was took by Mr. Kishur Lal

c.  D13 – Staircase 1 at Lower Roof Level with site measurement of  1140 width x 2100 height

d. D13 – Staircase 2 at Lower Roof Level with site measurement of 1150 width X 2100 height

NOTE: In Item 2 in sheet 1/3 attached measurement sheet , the door for store  at Basement 1 is supposed to be in Basement 2.

So, you can proceed for the fabrication as per measurement sheet as signed at site on 11-4-18 and colour as per our RFI ref 43 dated 12-04-18 as well as provide your feedback as soon as possible for item no: 3 (a),(b),(c), and (d) of this communication as  mentioned above  and reply accordingly

For xxx Contracting L.L.C                                


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