Re. Mosaic Tiles – Our Response

Tiles and other Prime Cost items
Tiles and other Prime Cost items

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.

                                    P. O. Box xxx

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           xxx

                        :           Sr. Project Manager

Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai

Subject            :           Re. Mosaic Tiles – Our Response

Dear Mr. xxx,

We received your letter Ref: xxx on the mosaic tiles. As mentioned in your letter we cannot recollect of any such commitments of xxx on the mosaic that it is only 4 weeks lead time. Whereas it was xxx who have always pointed out that this is a long lead item from the very start of this project.

Just to highlight the above facts please find below trial of correspondence to your project on the subject matter.

  • 11th April xxx – xxx have highlighted that the specified Mosaic will take minimum 12 weeks delivery lead time. Please find the attached email and procurement log for your information and review.
  • 24th May xxx – The same procurement log showing 12 weeks delivery of Mosaic was forwarded to Mr. xxx upon his request.
  • 3rd July xxx – This was again highlighted to you through an email. Please see the attached email for your quick reference.
  • 10th July xxx – xxx requested xxx to submit alternative Mosaic samples to BSBG which can be locally secured to save time.
  • 16th July xxx – xxx submitted 2 samples to BSBG head office for their review and immediate approval. 
  • 13th August xxx – We reminded you again that xxx don’t have any information about the specified Mosaic, where in we highlighted our efforts of finding similar Mosaic locally to save time whereby highlighting about the delays in production and delivery. (Please find attached the same email for your information)
  • 14th August xxx – xxx received an email to proceed with the specified Mosaic from BSBG.

The mosaic lead time was often discussed during every progress meetings where the client and consultant were present. Please refer to your own MOM for more details particularly the 6th August xxx.

xxx acted the same day and send an enquiry to the nominated supplier (xxx). The first response we received from xxx on 15th August xxx was showing 8 – 12 working weeks delivery period.

We then continuously negotiated the delivery period with xxx and highlighted their commitment to BSBG that they can deliver the Mosaic in 7 weeks. We received a revised quote from xxx on 27th August xxx saying 7 working weeks they do the delivery of the Mosaic. (We can submit the required documents as a proof if necessary for your review and understanding).

We left out with no other choice and then made the necessary advance payment to the supplier in the next 2 days and requested them to proceed with the production.

From the above facts xxx have not missed any single opportunity to highlight the fact that the mosaic can delay the production and delivery. Even before proceeding with the sea shipment we asked your advice on the mode of shipment.

However we proactively air shipped 3 full sample pieces from the supplier to have the correct measurements of the produced mosaic so that we can continue with the design and release the production drawings.

Accordingly please be informed that because of the mosaic tile the production is not stopped in our factory. But Type 5 and Type 7 (total 37 Pods) will be included in the last set of pods delivered to site after completing the Mosaic in our factory to achieve the best quality.

Hope you understand and cooperate with us to complete the project as required.

This is for your information and record.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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