RCP Drawings from ID as per submittal 36 received on xxx
Date: xxx
Kind Attn: Mr.xxx , xxx Interior Division
Project: 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building
Plot No. 373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai
Subject: Regarding RCP Drawings from ID as per submittal 36 received on 28.12.2016.
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above, we provided you 3 months ago with our drawings and original scope and till date you have failed to provide the cost of the previous and the new drawings and you are not following general procedures which has been informed to you multiple times. Kindly note the following in this regard:
- If ID is discussing any issue directly with the client/consultant, your team must get a written communication/instruction and notify us regarding the same only then any action to be taken with our permission.
Your team is carrying out the works without intimation and regard to our approved drawings and impact on approved cost, time and scope.
- Your team should understand the meaning of variation and its impact on the scope, time and cost and engineer must be capable of understanding the importance of the same.
- Your team is carrying out works directly without any intimation and this is why the project is suffering. You have appointed a draftsman in place of a coordinator and he has limited knowledge on managing the project requirements. It is not his problem as he can work upto his limit. You must resolve this issue.
So, from the day 1 of the project I am intimating, requesting to handle this project professionally as there are multilevel coordination and stakeholders involved but neither MD, GGM nor Interior Department head has paid any attention and now there is a huge trouble as a result of which MEP Ceiling drawings have been impacted.
For xxx Contracting LLC
General Manager