Pending Vanity counter work at site and Delaying the work / Holding the execution since 3rd JUNE xxx

Pending Vanity counter work at site and Delaying the work / Holding the execution since 3rd JUNE xxx

Date: xxx


To             : xxx LLC

Project     : 2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

Subject:Regarding Pending work at site and Delaying the work / Holding the execution since 3rd JUNE xxx

Dear Mr. Krishnan,

With reference to above we are hereby intimating you that you are not sending the workers at site and you are delaying the work and kindly note the following.

  1. Still you didn’t deliver many items at site.
  2. Many area the work is incomplete

So we are attaching the status report received from your office only and we cross check also for your ready reference to review for pending and balance work.

This is for your kind information that you are not only delaying the project and you are not intimating through the communication regarding your issue, why you held our work without any prior NOTICE or valid reason to step the work since 3rd JUNE 2018. You are solely responsible for delay of our project.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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