Painting Method statement



 1.1 Is to define the procedural requirements for supply and application of decorative paints for the buildings under the contract no GTC.101/ED/01 Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning (EPIC) of Ras Laffan Utilization Project –Buildings and utilities and support service Phase 1-Utilities.

2.0 SCOPE :

2.1 Application of  decorative coatings to the surfaces of walls, ceilings, doors windows and metal works of all the buildings in Service Base Area, Service Berth and F.S.O Marine area.


 3.1 Q.P Standard specification Clause : 11.21 to 11.30

 3.2 Architectural requirements of Project Approved Drawings

 3.3 Paint Manufacturer’s recommendations.



4.1.1 All the paint materials shall be of Qatar Petroleum approved brand and make. Prior approval for the type of finish, material and the shade shall be taken from Qatar Petroleum.  Samples for each type of finish, clearly mentioning the location of application/building, number of coats etc. may be prepared and got approved from QP engineer. The sample(s) shall be always kept at site for QP reference.


  • Paint shall be applied to properly prepared, clean, sound and dry surfaces. No paint shall be applied to surface structurally or superficially damp and all surfaces must be ascertained to be free from condensation, effluorescence, etc. before application of each coat. The surface shall first be scrapped to remove mortar splashes. The surface shall then be rubbed down with fine glass paper to remove loose particles and to smooth irregularities.
  • The surface preparation shall be inspected and approved by QP engineer  before the application of primer/ filler coat.


  • Priming coats shall be applied by brush to give a coat of adequate thickness with no misses and to satisfy the porosity of the surface. The priming shall be well worked into the surface, joints, angles and other places where moisture is likely to collect. Joinery fittings shall be primed at works after inspection and approval of the joinery by Qatar Petroleum. The back of all timber frames shall also be primed.
  • On approval from QP, the filler coat shall be spread evenly with a scraper on overall surfaces and allowed to dry. This has to be sanded down and dusted off. by emery paper to obtain a very smooth surface finish.
  • Undercoats shall be applied evenly over the whole surface to give a solid film, Care shall be taken to avoid uneven thickness of paint at edges and angles.
  • On application of filler coat/under coat and before proceeding with finishing coats, QP approval shall be taken.
  • Each coat of paint shall be thoroughly dried before the next coat is applied and the surface of primers and under coats shall be lightly rubbed down. Further coats shall be applied at proper intervals to secure maximum adhesion. Where two hard gloss finishing coats are scheduled, the second coat shall be applied within 48 hours.
  • All paint shall be brush applied unless otherwise approved or specified. Paint shall be applied so that the finished surface is free from brush marks. When spray painting is done surfaces adjoining those being sprayed shall be carefully and closely masked.
  • Finishing coats shall be applied evenly over the whole surface to give a solid film free from brush marks, sags, runs orange peeling and other defects.
  • Three coats of clean wood finish shall be applied. The first in the joiner’s shop where applicable followed by two coats immediately after fixing. Where scheduled the finished work shall be matted down wet, rinsed, dried and a high gloss produced with rubbing compound.
  • After completion of finishing coat, approval shall be taken from Qatar Petroleum. Any snag items / punch list shall be attended immediately and clearance shall be taken from QP.


5.1 Inspection records.

5.2 Checklists

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