Notification of Variation for Tile Chamfering and Polishing.
Date: October 7, 2021
Ref.: XXX/1007/AGC/43/2021
Total Pages: 1
M/s. M/s. XXX Consultants
P.O. Box: XXX, Dubai, UAE.
Phone: +XXX, Fax: +XXX
Attention: Mr. XXX – Resident Engineer
Project: Proposed B+G+1 Villa for Mr. XXX, Plot No. XXX, XXX, Dubai.
Subject: Notification of Variation for Tile Chamfering and Polishing.
Dear Sir,
With reference to above mentioned subject, we would like to inform you that there will be a variation for Tile chamfering and polishing as per IFC drawing and approved mockup recorded on minutes of Progress meeting 27 item 4.6.
The unit price for chamfering and polishing from the subcontractor Ali Saeed Marble Works Co. LLC is 25.00 Dh. Per linear meter (quotation attached).
The actual cost will be submitted once work completed at site with actual measurement.
Moreover, please bear in mind there is a potential risk of damager tile during transport to and from site and factory.
This is for your information and action.
Thank You
Yours Sincerely,
XXX Building Contracting LLC