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Method Statement Title: Testing of Earthing System



Method Statement Title: Testing of Earthing System

1.0       Scope

  1.       Testing of Earthing system for the Tower E1, E2, E3, W1, W2, W3 & Podium including earth continuity tests in accordance with the requirements of     Specification 16060.
  1.       The below listed LV Systems are covered.
  1. Feeders and branch circuits.
  2. Lighting circuits.
  3. Single phase motor and appliance branch circuits.
  4. Three phase motor and appliance branch circuits.
  5. Containment System.
  6. Armoured and metal clad cable runs.

2.0       Material

3.0       Method

3.1       Testing equipment  

4.1.1    Earth tester. 

4.1.2    Multimeter. 

                        The calibration certificates of testing instruments will be verified for validity                        prior to use.

  1. Electrode connection in the earth pit.
    1. Protective conductors from earth pit to LV Panels.
    1. Earthing conductors and its sizes.
    1. All links and junctions.

a.         Earth electrode will be tested with earth tester by 3 point test         method.

b.         All the earth pit values shall be tabulated and submit for       consultants review.

a.         Check the continuity of earth cables from MDB to Distribution    Board and to the end of all equipments.

b.         All the readings are recorded and submitted to consultant’s    review as per the attached test formats.

If the measured resistance is found to be higher than the standards / specification the Engineer will be notified and recommendations will be agreed to lower the resistance.

Tighten loose joints if any.

Values specified by Local Authority (DEWA)

The main earth resistance shall not exceed 1 ohms, for each incoming DEWA supply / MDB.

4.0       Records

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