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Method Statement Title: Installation of Public Address System

Background music and public address system

Background music and public address system

Method Statement Title: Installation of Public Address System

1.0       Scope

This method statement details the method of installation of Public Address System.


            A separate Method Statement Ref. ETA/MS/E- 0   shall be submitted for testing and commissioning of the Public Address System.

2.0       Material

2.3       Type of Speakers shall be as per approved shop drawing.

3.0       Applicable Location

4.0       Method

4.1       Storage  

4.1.1    All materials received at site shall be inspected and ensured against approved material submittal.  

4.1.2    Any discrepancies, damages etc. shall be notified immediately for further action. 

4.1.3    Material found not suitable for the project are to be removed from site immediately.  

4.1.5    Materials shall be stacked properly as per manufacturers recommendation and covered to prevent dust and water / moisture.

4.1.6    Public Address Equipment to be stored as per manufactures recommendation mentioned / marked in the packing.

4.1.8    Ambient condition of the storage place to be as per manufacturer’s recommendation.

            4.2       Installation

                        4.2.1    Speaker Cable

                                   Ensure the relevant current / approved shop drawings are available with installation team.    

                                   Transfer the cable to the work place with the help manpower..

                                   Check the cable drum for any external damage during transportation and ensure the type of cable against area of usage / application.

                                   Type  of the cable is as per approved shop drawings.

                                   In concealed application pull Speaker cable manually through conduit installed as per approved shop drawings and approved method statements.

                                   Leave enough length of cable at both ends of panel and devices for termination.

                                       No through joints is allowed without the sanction of the



                        4.2.2   Public Address  Equipments

                                      Ensure the relevant current / approved shop drawings are available with installation team.


                                       Location of the panel to be as per approved shop drawing after coordinating with other services.

                                      Fixing holes will be marked properly keeping back box of the panel in place.

                                      Fix back box properly and fix remaining panel accessories.

                        4.2.3   SPEAKERS

                                      Ensure the relevant current / approved shop drawings are available with installation team.

                                      Exact location of the device to be as per approved reflected ceiling plan for surface / recessed installation

                                      For the Speakers, which needs to be fixed on the false

                       ceiling, fix junction box of the camera above false


                        5.0      Records

            5.1       QC Installation Check List

            5.2       Inspection request duly signed-off by NMX and Consultant.

6.0       Attachment

6.1       QC installation check list  of  Public Address System

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