Building Footing
Building Footing

Project Name    : Proposed Development of Residential Villa (G+2) On Plot No. xxx

Location             : Palm Jumeirah, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Client                   : Mr. xxx

Consultant         : Al xxx Consultants

Contractor         : M/S xxx Building Contracting LLC


           Table of Contents

               1. Purpose

               2. Tools Plant and Equipment

               3. Procedure

1.       Purpose

This method of statement describes the sequence and methods to be adopted for shifting of footings.

2.       Tools

  1. Plate Compactor
  2. Measuring Tape

3. Procedure

Following are the below activities are inspected & rectified:-

1. Firstly, place the road-base & well compacted with plate compactor. (Inspected by Consultant)

2. Apply the spraying of Anti-termite solution. (Inspected by Consultant)

3. Placing of 1000 guage of polythene sheet. (Inspected by Consultant)

4. Placing the 100mm PCC concrete & extension of 500mm. (Inspected by Consultant)

Following are below activities are on hold waiting for approval:-

5. Application of two coats of Bitumen Primer and two layers of membrane sheet.

6. Placing of 5cm screed for protection of membrane.

7. Removal of previous footing shuttering & steel.

8. Remarking of new location as per latest Trakhees drawing.

9. Fixing the steel reinforcement & shuttering in new location as per Trakhees latest drawing.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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