Method Statement for Erecting Sandwich Panels

Rockwool panel
Rockwool panel


  1. Scope of Work
  • Definitions
  • References
  • Subcontractors
  • Materials
  • Tools  & Equipment
  • Safety
  • Prior Activities
  • Procedure
  1. Responsibilities
  1. Attachments

1. Scope:

1.1This Method Statement covers the erection/installation of wall and roof sandwich panels for the temporary site offices of Parsons, Halcrow and OAJ.  

2. Definitions:

2.1    CM: Construction Manager
2.2SE: Site Engineer
2.3CS: Chief Surveyor
2.4ME: Material Engineer
2.5ESHO: Environmental, Safety, and Health Officer

 3. References:

3.1Properties: AJECOBOND Sandwich Panel

4. Subcontractors:


5.  Materials:   

5.1AJECBOND sandwich panels
5.2Steel U – Section
5.3Bolts, nuts
5.4Steel angles

6. Tools & Equipment:

6.1Welding machines
6.2Electrical grinder/saw
6.5Hand shovels
6.8Drilling machine
6.9Keys for fixing nuts and bolts

7. Safety

7.1GPS  Section  100: Clause 100.22 Airport Emergency and Safety
7.2CSM Construction Safety Manual
7.3OAJ-JV Safety Manual
7.4Safety Hazards and Precautions
   a)- Crane Accidents:   All cranes checked and certifiedOperators professional and well experiencedProvide banks man when operating near excavationCheck load indicator, slings and wire ropes daily   b)-Falling Objects:   Stand clear during lifting operationsWear hard hats   c)-Equipment & Vehicles:   Use Safety belts.Slow down and obey speed limits.Provide “back-ups” alarms.Provide banks man when operating equipment near excavation.   Prior to the commencement of any of the activities, the workforce will receive an induction talk on the project site safety requirements.  This induction talk will include both the activity particular safety issues as well as the general project safety requirements.   ESHO will enforce the project safety requirements.   Heat stress training will be provided.   Provisions of adequate cool drinking water, shade, and salt water tablets will be in place.  

8. Prior Activities:

8.1Prepare and get approval of office layout drawings  
8.2After approval of the layout drawings, checking requests for site activities are submitted to the engineer to follow the work in the site.  

 9. Procedure:

All activities carried out will comply with the OAJ-JV Inspection Test Plan which reflects the testing requirements of the Contract.

Construction of the site offices will be properly coordinated with the approved programme of works.

9.1 Roof Sandwich Panels

9.11Before erecting the roof sandwich panels, the columns and the roof trusses are checked for plumb and compliance with approved drawings.  
9.12A crane is used to lift the sandwich panels (11.05m length x 1.00m wide x 50mm thick) to the top of the roof, by using belts.  
9.13The ends of the sandwich panels, centred over the roof trusses, are screwed in place with 5” long hexagonal screws – by using self screw drilling machine.   
9.14A minimum of 4 screws are used at each line of purlins.  
9.15After fixing the hexagonal screws, the top of the screw will be capped.

9.2 Wall Sandwich Panels

9.21A horizontal galvanised iron track, to receive the wall panels, is fixed to the floor between the column posts.  
9.22The wall sandwich panels, measuring 1.00m wide x 50mm thick x 3.025m high are  erected one by one, starting from one end.  The first panel is held in place by screwing it to the column, with 5” long hexagonal head screws.  Each vertical wall panel is locked with the other by “tongue and groove” joint.  
9.23After all the panels are erected in place, a horizontal galvanized iron track is placed on the top of the panels, and after the wall is checked for plumb,  the track is welded at its ends to the column posts.  
9.24A minimum of 4 screws are used for each panel.  
9.25After fixing the hexagonal screws, the top of the screw will be capped.

 10. Responsibilities:

10.1It is the Contractor’s Site Manager’s duty to ensure that all necessary safety and protective equipment are provided along with properly trained and qualified personnel.
10.2It is the Site Supervisor’s duty to organize the work in a safe manner to ensure that safety and protective equipment are being properly utilized.  He must also assure the method statement procedure is followed and must observe the hold-points and notify the Consultant for inspection.
10.3It is the worker’s duty to properly wear the protective equipment provided and obey all safety rules.  He must also perform the work as described in the method statement procedure.  
10.4    The Contract Manager will coordinate with Safety Engineer and ensure that the necessary resources to implement the approved method statement have been allocated to the task.  
10.5The Site Engineer will ensure that the site preparation activities are conducted according to the approved method statement.  
10.6The Material Engineer will ensure that the materials being used are in accordance to the project specifications and the approved method statement.  

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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