Method Statement for Construction of cast-in-situ chambers (Wash out, air release, gate valve chamber, hydrant & water meter chamber)



  1. Scope of Work
  • Definitions
  • References
  • Subcontractors
  • Materials
  • Plant  & Equipment
  • Safety
  • Prior Activities
  • Procedure
  1. Responsibilities
  1. Attachments

1. Scope:

1.1This Method Statement covers the construction of cast-in-situ chambers of the fire and water supply network intended for the wash out, air release valve, gate valve and hydrant elements.

2. Definitions:

2.1    MS: STM Method Statement : Cast-in-situ chambers for fire and water supply networks.
2.2ITP  Inspection and Testing Plan
2.3PS-GCMI  Project Specifications-General, Civil and Mechanical Infrastructure
2.5UG   Underground

 3. References:

3.1PS-GCMI : Section 401: Concrete (in general)
3.2PS-GCMI : Clause 401.3 & 401.14 :Steel reinforcement
                    Clause 401.7 & 401.12: Concrete Grade & Placing
                    Clause 401.9 : Quality control
                    Clause 401.13: Formwork
                    Clause 401.16: Protection and curing
                    Clause 401.20.2: Application of protective coatings
3.3PS-GCMI : Section 901: Pipework (in general)
3.4PS-GCMI : Section 901: Clause 901.4: Construction of Pipework and manholes
                                        Clause 901.4.7: Constructing manholes and chambers
                                        Clause 901.4.8: External protection of manholes & chambers
                                        Clause 901.4.9: Internal protection of manholes & chambers
                                        Clause 901.3.9: Standards of compaction
3.5Inspection Testing plan 1008-OAJ-ITP-1021 to be submitted for approval
3.6MS-1004 Dewatering
3.7MS-1005 Surveying
3.7MS-1008 Earthwork

4. Subcontractors:


5.  Products:   

5.1Concrete class 30/20/S for blinding
5.1Concrete class 40/20/S for benching and mass concrete.
5.2Concrete class 50/20/R for structural reinforced concrete
5.3Steel Reinforcement as per approved bar bending schedule to be submitted
5.4External Brush-applied tanking membrane and Protection Board: Bitutex FBR and Bituboard Refer to Material submittal 1008-OAJ-FM-MSF-RO / STR 002 or similar approved.
5.5Approved Epoxy resin coating for concrete internal protection
5.6Approved Cover & Frame
5.7Approved GRP ladder
5.8uPVC pipe dia 50 as drain pipe sleeve
5.9Geotextile fabric: Type Polyfelt (Refer to material submittal 1008-OAJ-FM-MSF-RO/OTH 001-R0) approved as noted
5.9Puddle/anchor flanges
5.10T12 dowel bars 400mm long
5.11Epoxy resin for fixing dowels

6. Plant & Equipment:

6.1Dewatering Equipment (If required)
6.2Excavators, JCB
6.5Crane (if required).
6.7Concrete Mix Trucks
6.8Light Vehicles
6.9Concrete vibrators
6.10Surveying Instruments
6.13Concrete Barricades
6.15Flagging Tape/Warning Tape
6.16Concrete Formwork
6.17Concrete Temp. Gauge
6.18Slump cone, cube moulds
6.19Compactor (Plate or Roller)
6.20Drilling machine

7. Safety

7.1PS-GCMI Section 102: Clause 102.11, 102.12 and 102.14 General and Preliminary
7.2PS-GCMI Section 901 Clause 901.3: Trench Excavation and Backfill.  
7.3PS-GCMI Section 100: Clause 100.2 Airport Emergency And Safety
7.4OAJ JV Safety Manual
7.5Activity Hazard Analysis to be submitted for approval
7.6Safety Hazards and Precautions 
   a)- Strike UG Services:   Use Locator and/or hand excavation (trial holes)  
 b)-Excavation Collapse:   Batter sides to safe slope or provide shoring (as directed by Geotechnical Consultant) and subject to the Engineer’s approval.   Keep vehicles/equipment safely away from excavation edge   Keep spoil at least 2.0 meter away from edge   c)- Fall into excavation:   Provide fencing, guardrails or flagging tape around edges and night lights.   Provide banks man when operating equipment near excavation.   d)-Crane Accidents:   All cranes checked and certified   Operators professional and well experienced   Check load indicator, slings and wire ropes daily   e)- Falling Objects:   Stand clear during lifting operations   Wear hard hats   f)- Equipment & Vehicles:   Use Safety belts   Slow down and obey speed limits   Provide “back-ups” alarms   Provide banks man when operating equipment near excavation.   g)- Confined Space:           Check excavations for snakes and scorpions before entering trenches.   Take precautions against flooding   Develop rescue procedures

8. Prior Activities:

8.1Calibrate Surveying Instruments.  
8.2Check for Existing Utilities before excavation (Trial Holes).  
8.3Prepare and get approval of Shop Drawings.
8.6In case of dewatering, proper water discharge away from work area will be provided. Permits will be obtained where needed.

. 9. Procedure:

All activities carried out will comply with the OAJ-JV Inspection Test Plan (1008-OAJ-ITP-1021) which reflects the testing requirements of the Contract and which will be submitted for approval.           

9.1Prepare the Shop Drawings and submit to the Engineer for approval prior to starting any excavation works. Any obstruction encountered on Site will be reported to the Engineer and will be indicated in a revised shop drawing. A shop drawing will be issued for each type of chamber and will be subject to the Engineer’s approval.  
Note:Only the drawings marked as approved “Issued for Construction” are allowed to be used by the Site Staff.  
9.2Survey will be conducted according to MS-1005  
9.3  Dewatering (If required) will be conducted according to MS-1004.  
9.4Excavation will be conducted to the proper formation level according to MS-1008.
Note:The Engineer’s Inspector will be notified if any areas are over excavated or unsuitable materials are encountered, in which case replacement material will be used.
9.5The trench formation shall be compacted to 98% MDD.
9.6The formation level will be to the required lines and grades as detailed in the approved Shop Drawings.  
Note:Formation compaction is a Hold Point and will be confirmed by the Engineer’s Inspector before proceeding with blinding concrete.
 The chamber construction will start after completing the related section of pipeline including the short pieces that would be cast along with the chamber walls as detailed on shop drawings.
9.7Exact location of the chamber will be determined by the surveyor according to the approved shop drawings.
9.8Blinding concrete class 30/20/S as shown on drawings related will be undertaken after compaction, construction of any subgrade drainage and the Engineer’s approval is given.  
Note:The blinding concrete is a hold point and levels must be checked and approved by the Engineer’s Inspector before other work proceeds.    
9.9The formwork for the bottom slab will be erected and braced as per clause 401.13 of the specs. Recess for joint sealant application will be allowed through the top of kicker and around the pipe. The kicker height will be 10cm.  
9.10The reinforcement steel already cut and bent according to approved bar bending schedule will be fixed over 60mm approved concrete spacers as per clause 401.14.2 and 401.14.6.  
9.11Levels will be checked to confirm accuracy as per approved shop drawings  
Note:The steel reinforcement is a hold point and must be checked and approved by the Engineer’s Inspector before other work proceeds.
9.12Once all pre-pour aspects are checked and found acceptable by the Engineer’s Inspectors, concrete grade 50/20/R e will be poured according to clause 401.12 “Placing of concrete” to the levels shown on the shop drawings.
9.13As soon as is practicable, all concrete shall be cured by the application of approved concrete curing membrane or materials as per clause 401.16.
9.14Striking of bottom slab sides formwork will occur 12 hours after pouring as per clause 401.13.5 unless otherwise directed by the Engineer.
9.15Fixing of reinforcement and formwork of the walls will follow the same sequence starting activity 9.9 through 9.11. Where pipes are built through concrete walls puddle/anchor flanges will be provided as per approved shop drawing and securely fixed in a way not to suffer disturbance or movement during the concrete pouring. Level and position will be checked after fixing. Concrete pouring will take place after inspection and approval by the Engineer’s Inspector. Formwork striking will occur 36 hours after concreting if wall height exceeds 1.2meters. Curing will be as detailed in 9.13
Note:The formwork fixing  is a hold point and must be checked and approved by the Engineer’s Inspector before other work proceeds.
Note:The wall will be poured in one stage. Pouring heights exceeding 2.5 m will be subject to the Engineer’s approval. Extension will be fitted to the concrete pump hose to reduce the height of pouring and avoid segregation and honeycombing. Utmost care will be taken for well compacting the concrete below the pipe and at acute angles.
9.16All foreign materials shall be thoroughly cleaned after striking the formwork (Clause 401.13.5). Approved sealant will be applied along the pipe perimeter. Brush-applied tanking membrane will be applied to the walls according to specifications and protection board installed as per clause 401.20 and as per manufacturer’s recommendations.


9.17Backfilling will proceed in layers in accordance with MS-1008 and clause 201.3.3 Backfilling to structures will start only after striking the formwork, applying the waterproofing system and after the concrete has gained enough strength to sustain the filling material load and compaction.
9.18Top slab (Cast-in-situ or pre-cast) will be carried out according to shop drawings to be submitted for approval.
9.19GRP ladders will be installed after dismantling the shutter for cast-in-situ top slab.
9.20The chamber will be thoroughly cleaned.
9.21As per clause 901.4.9 all internal concrete faces will be treated and coated with approved Epoxy coating system of which method statement will be forwarded along with the material submittal.
9.22Concrete support block will be poured using concrete Grade 40/20/S and as shown on the approved shop drawings. Bottom slab will be drilled and T12 diffused dowel bars 400mm long will be fixed 200mm inside the slab by means of approved epoxy resin material. 
9.23Where benching is required, bottom slabs shall be bush hammered then thoroughly cleaned. Concrete Grade 40/20/S will be applied to the slopes and levels shown on approved shop drawings.

10. Responsibilities:

10.1The CM will coordinate with SE and ensure that the necessary resources to implement the approved method statement and ITP have been allocated to the task.
10.2It is the Site Supervisor’s duty to organize the work in a safe manner to ensure that safety and protective equipment are being properly utilized.  He must also assure the method statement procedure is followed and must observe the Hold-points and notify the Engineer for inspection.
10.3It is the worker’s duty to properly wear the protective equipment provided and obey all safety rules.  They must also perform the work as described in the method statement procedure.  
10.4The SE will ensure that the site preparation activities are conducted according to the approved method statement and all in-situ tests according to the ITP are implemented.  
10.5The ME will ensure that the materials being used are in accordance to the project specifications, the approved method statement and the ITP.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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