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Method of Statement of Tiles Installation works

Tile Installation

This method statement describes a work explanation of the methods and procedure to be carried out for tiles installation works for Construction of B+G+1 FOR MR. XXX in Dubai to ensure that during the entire execution stage, the work is done in line with good engineering practices and in compliance with engineering standard practices, nation & local codes.

The method statement also includes all necessary works such as, tiles installation, precaution barricades, temporary access and related activity etc. Details are as follows:
 Precaution Barricade
 Preparation of the works
 Tiles Installation
 Survey setting out procedure
 Reinstatement and all incidentals necessary to complete the entire work.

 Contract / Project Specification.
 Municipality Permit
 Building Permit
 Approved Drawing

 MCM will produce a program of works such that client are aware of proposed area of works and can advise on logistical constraints imposed.

 Ensure all permissions and consents have been obtained.
 Ensure approval status of this Method Statement.
 Ensure all shop drawings to be submitted for approval.
 Prepare necessary Toolbox talks.
 Ensure work area is cordoned off.
 Inspection Request approval for Tiles Installation Works
 Site briefings will be undertaken to induct all operatives in the detail of this method statement. All personnel attending will sign the briefing sheet acknowledging they understand the briefing given.

6.1 The Project Manager along with his site team is responsible for all tile installation works to be done as per this Method Statement.
6.2 The Site Engineer, Foremen are responsible for all the works and all associated activities under this method
6.3 The QC Engineer is responsible for compliance of complete work as per the approved method statement will offer for Consultants approval.
6.4 The Surveyor will mark along the areas where the tiles installation needs to be done.

 Approved Tiles and Accessories
 Approved Tile Adhesive and Grout
 Wheel Barrow
 Dumpy Level
 Cutter
 Grinder
 Rubber Hammer
 Spirit Level
 Tile Catcher ( vacuum cup handles)
 Hand Tool (aluminum level bar, measurement tape, trowel)

8.1 Inspection and Preparation
 Before commencing erection, examine the base work to which the tile work applied.
 Report immediately in writing to company all discrepancy in accuracy and suitability in the location, bearing and retaining of structural members which will adversely affect the installation and permanency of the work of this section.
 Preparation of walls. Where concrete block walls and concrete walls are to be finished with tile, apply a leveling coat of cement mortar minimum 12 mm thick, sufficient to cover the unevenness of the substrate and to make walls true vertical. Trowel mortar to smooth to leave surface suitable for use of adhesive.
 Preparation of floors. Cast in place concrete substrate shall be sufficiently smooth and level such that when thin set mortar to accept tiles is applied no voids under the tiles occurs. Grind off high spots and fill-in low spots as necessary to ensure no voids occur.
 Commencement of installation shall indicate acceptance of the work of other section.

8.2 Installation- General
 Check that there are no unintended color/shade variations within the tiles for use in each area. Thoroughly mix variegated tiles.
 Check that adhesive is compatible background/base.
 Unless specified otherwise fix tiles so that there is adhesion over the whole of the background/base and tile backs.
 Before bedding material sets make adjustments necessary to give true, regular appearance to joints and tiles when viewed under final lighting conditions.

8.3 Setting Out
 Joints to be true to line, continuous and without steps.
 Joints on wall to be truly horizontal, vertical and in alignment.
 Joints in walls and floors to be in alignment.
 Before laying tiles obtain approval of setting out. Provide symmetry about center lines of the space or areas and adjust & utilizing all the cutting pieces that are matching to joint lines.
 Joint width. For tiles of all sizes. The joint width shall be determined according to manufacturer’s recommendation and the material used for grouting.

8.4 Installation of Tiles
 Mix bedding materials thoroughly to a uniform consistence in a suitable forced action mechanical mixer. Do not use a free fall type mixer. Use the minimum amount of water necessary to give required workability.
 Use mortar within two hours of mixing at normal temperatures. Do not use after the initial set has taken place and do not re temper.
 Tile skirting. Bed solid to wall (before laying floor tiles for skirting). Ensure joints in skirting match and align with joints in floor tiling.
 Thin Bed Adhesive – Walls. Apply floated coat of adhesive to dry background in areas of approximately 1 m2 and comb the surface with the recommended solid bed
trowel. Apply thin even coat of adhesive to backs of dry tiles. Press tiles onto bedding with twisting/sliding action to give finished bed thickness of not more than 3mm.
 Thick Bed Adhesive-Walls. Apply floated coat of adhesive to dry background and comb the surface with the recommended solid bed trowel. Fill any keys and apply thin even coat of adhesive over the entire back of each tile. Press tile onto bedding with twisting/sliding action to give finished bed thickness within the range recommended by the manufacturer.
 Thick Bed Adhesive-Floor. Apply floated coat of adhesive to dry base and comb the surface with the recommended solid bed trowel. Fill any keys and apply thin even coat of adhesive over the entire back of each tile. Press tiles onto bedding with twisting/sliding action to give finished bed thickness within the range recommended by the manufacturer.

8.5 Grouting
 Allow bedding material to harden sufficiently before grouting.
 Ensure that joints are 6 mm deep and are free from dust and debris.
 Force grout and fill joints completely entire depth, tool to an approved profile, clean off surface and leave free from blemishes.
 Polish wall tiling with a dry cloth when joints are hard.
 Colored Grout: Check the potential risk of staining by applying the grout to a few tiles in a small trial area. If discoloration occurs apply a protective sealer to the repeat the trial.

8.6 Cleaning
 Keep installed work clean as work progress.
 After grouting and pointing clean tile with stiff fiber brushes and water in accordance with the Marble Institute of America written recommendations. The use of wire brushes or acids are not permitted. Flush down at completion.
 Clean and make good to the approval, surfaces soiled or otherwise damaged in connection with the work of this section.
 Remove mortar and alkali wash offs on surfaces as work progress.
 Upon completion of the work of this section, remove all debris, equipment and excess material resulting from the work from the site.
 Close grouted tile floors to traffic for 24 hours after installation.

8.7 Notes
 As per site condition, wall tiles will be installed first.
 Unload tiles by mechanical means and shall be stored in proper storage area. Tiles shall be carefully transported by trolley/manually to the area to be laid. The materials shall be approved and shall be used as per finishing schedule. The color of the tile shall match the appropriate approved samples. All the materials shall be delivered in an unopened package and boxes bearing manufacturer’s /suppliers name, labels, size and color.

Project Engineer 01
Foreman/Supervisor 01
Electrician 01
Mason/ Tile Installer 06
Helper 06

 Inspection and testing shall be carried out throughout the execution of tile installation works to the satisfaction of Consultant/Client.
 Material inspection request to be raised prior for approval and for starting the works.
 Upon completion, proper protection to be provided prior for handover.
 All the quality control checks will be done during tiles installation.

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