fixing doors
fixing doors



Summary: This Method of Statement includes the following;

  • Non-fire rated semi-solid-core.
  • Non-fire-rated semi-slid-core custom-fabricated wooden access doors.
  • Wood veneer, solid hardwood raised panels and stained varnish (Villa Entrance Door).
  • Materials for Application:

                    1. HUK Wood Door Trans. # A-464

1. Delivery, Storage and Handling   

  1. Store Doors in clean dry ventilated area. Stack doors flat and off floors, supported to prevent wharfing. No other materials to be place on top of stacked doors.
  2. All doors will be packed with plastic, cardboard protection to edges.
  3. Store flat over level surface above floor on wood blocks.
  4. Each doors and frames tagged with sticker with door number and location.
  5. All doors and frames delivered with finish factory painting final touch will be at site before handing over.

2. Installation  

  1. Check the tagged each doors and locate as per the approved shop drawing and door schedule.
  2. Verify opening dimension and angles and levels from finish floor line reference to ensure that frames fit the openings.  Align and fit the door in frame to each desired location and elevation.
  3. Fix door frames by anchor bolts located as per approved shop drawings and to be covered by wood caps later.
  4. Install, align and fit the doors in frames with uniform clearance and bevel to provide 3mm at heads, jambs and between pairs of doors, bottom of door to top of decorative floor finish or covering as per approved shop drawings.
  • Architraves’s will be fixed by nail and to be covered by wood putty. All surrounding gaps will be filled with silicone.
  • Completed wood doors shall operate freely and smoothly without rattle or bound condition.
  • Clean stains and traces of cleaning fluid.

3. Adjusting and Protecting

  1. Protect door as recommended by manufacturer to ensure that wood doors are without damage or deterioration at the time of Substantial Completion.
  2. Replace doors that do not swing or operate freely.
  3. Replace doors that are damaged during installation.

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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