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Method Statement for Installation of Electric Water Heater

Method Statement for Installation of Electric Water Heater


  1. Open an approved shop drawing for water tank location at the roof.
  2. Tanks to be installed should have passed the leak test inspection and QC inspection approval (i.e. no defects).
  3. Construct concrete pad with at least 10cm thick with 10 cm excess from the bottom sides of the tank. Tank concrete pad shall be cured. Check concrete pad from unnecessary cracks.
  4. Check the tank from any damage and cracks upon delivery to roof for installation.  
  5. Install the tank on concrete pad, level, plumb, and firmly anchored. Install or fill the gaps with non-metallic and non-shrink grout for the mechanical base bearing surface of the tank.
  6. Arranged the tank ready for the access of installation for water supply pipe, valves, water system accessories, drain points and distribution pipe. Also arranged so that devices needing services are accessible.

6.1       Prepare the tank for installation having all necessary fittings and   connectors for inlet, outlet, air breather and other tank accessories.

6.2       Connect water piping to roof water storage tank with unions or adaptors and shutoff valves for both tank supply line and fixture supply line.

6-3       Connect tank drains with shutoff valves and discharges over closest roof drains.

6.4       Make connections to dissimilar metals with dielectric fittings.

6.4.1    Use approved fittings for connection of dissimilar metals or materials.

6.4.2    Apply Teflon tape around the threaded part in reverse direction of  tight.

6.4.3    Use proper tools to tight. Strap wrench for plastic and pipe wrench for metal.

6.5       Install tank vent.

  1. Recheck the level of tank, firmly fixed and all accessories are in place.
  2. The roof water tank must comply with manufacturer recommendation for tank installation procedures.
  3. Prepare a work inspection request.
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