Machine Delivery at Site

Machine Delivery at Site

Ref: xxx

Date: xxx


P.O Box: xxx

Tel: xxx, Fax: xxx

Project                     : 2B+G+7 Residential Building, ICP1 CBD C01, International City

Client                       : M/s xxx Properties Ltd

Consultant             : M/s xxx Engineering Consultant.

Subject: Machine Delivery at Site

Dear Sir

With reference to the above mentioned subject,. As per you site visit yesterday and site meeting you promised to us that 23.04.2014 (Wednesday) you will bring the machine at site  for concrete as well as we will arrange the crane. But today your verbal communication with our engineer Mr.Judin you are not able to deliver the machine for tomorrow.

We are hereby informing you that tomorrow we will bring the crane also you should have to bring the machine. If you will not bring the machine we are not responsible for the same also next time you should arrange the machine with crane.

For your Information & Immediate Action.

Thanking you

For xxx Contracting LLC


General Manager

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