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Your quotation reference 266, and to lift chiller from ground to roof at 70 meter

Date: xxx

Ref: xxx

To                     : M/s. xxx Transport LLC

Project            : 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotels Building on Plot No. xxx at Barsha, Dubai

Atten              : Mr. Ikram & Mr. Asjad

Subject          : Your quotation reference 266, and to lift chiller from ground to roof at 70 meter.

Dear Mr. Ikram & Mr. Asjad,

We xxx Contracting hereby confirming your quotation for the mobile crane to be mobilize and complete the following:

  1. SCOPE                          :   To lift 6.5 Ton capacity 2 no’s chiller.
  2. CRANE REQUIREMENT : As per your site visit, your confirmation that 250 Ton crane 

                                       enough for this work.

So, kindly find our confirmation and plan accordingly.

For xxx Contracting L.L.C


Project Manager

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