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letter of apology for mistake at work

letter of apology for mistake at work

letter of apology for mistake at work

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. xxx at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject             : letter of apology for mistake at work

Dear xxx team,

With reference to the incident that occurred yesterday. We would like to begin by expressing that this was MCM responsibility and was highlighted as well by MCM prior to execution. We take complete responsibly and certain actions will be taken place in order to not jeopardized the project or cause and impediments for our client needs.

We would like to bring to notice the sequence of events that took place.

Putting into that in the same folder of 46 – 48 we had received two separate drawings for the same plots that’s were the confusion had arisen.

1.            On the basis of those points surveyors had provided the coordinates on site

2.            MCMs team had mistakenly used one set of coordinate C

3.            Accordingly MCM has placed the footing

4.            Consultant had inspected the footings

5.            MCMs team re checked prior to pouring the concrete and MCMS team had found this discrepancy in those particular four footings on plot C only.

6.            MCM highlighted its mistake that had occurred to Consultant to protect the clients interests.

Here are the sequence of activities of rectification based on clients approval to proceed:

1.            MCM to take action on particular individual

2.            Compaction as per MCM practice is 50 cm around footing areas

3.            We will re do the area of rectification with presence of consultant and client representative as norm.

4.            6 working days will be required, but we will recover by the grade slab

As a final note we do apologies for any inconveniences that have arisen keeping into light that it was our mistake and was highlighted by us and naturally rectification is our responsibly.

This matter has not been taken lightly by MCM management, all required measures will be taken to secure and protect the clients interests. As we hold this relationship in high regards and will look forward for an ongoing fruitful relationship.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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