The responsible person is to ensure the control measures below are in place before the activity is carried out

  TASK: Placing of Select Fill    Date:07 October 2006
1Service location surveyManual handling operations (MHO’s)Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries, eye injuriesMaximum use of equipment to reduce need for MHO’s MHO Training prior to any work being carried out  This training is to be documented
Wearing of gloves Wearing of safety shoes Wearing of safety glasses
  Contact with underground servicesExplosion or asphyxia. Loss of airport servicesA full and comprehensive services survey will be conducted prior to the works commencing. All (services relevant) information will be obtained from the client prior to works commencing. Work near to known buried services will be conducted by hand. Staff will be briefed on how to recognise the possible buried services that may be encountered. This briefing will be documented. 
2Marking out of Fill areaUse of hand toolsCuts, abrasions, broken bones, eye injuriesSupervisor to inspect hand tools prior to commencement of works to ensure tools are in good condition. Site minimum PPE to be worn at all times 
  Marker paintCOSHH related injuriesPaint to be COSHH assessed prior to use and COSHH assessment finding to be implemented prior to use of any such paint. 
3Loading fill materialDustPoor visibility, respiratory  Injuries Dust explosionAn effective Dust suppression programme will be in place prior to the works commencing, and thereafter as necessary to suppress the dust sufficiently. In the event that the dust suppression programme fails operatives will be issued suitable RPE. In the event the dust causes restricted vision, operatives will be removed from the excavation. 
  Shovel of excavator/wheel loader, load dropping inadvertentlyInjuries to persons in areaNo person will work within the traversing arc of an excavator or wheel loader 
  Material falling from equipment shovelInjuries to persons in areaNo person will work within the traversing arc of an excavator or wheel loader 
  Equipment falling into excavationInjuries to operatives in the excavationStop blocks or other such means will be erected 2 metres from the excavation edge. No vehicles will be allowed closer than 2 metres from the excavation edge. Equipment and stores will not be stockpiled any closer than two metres from the edge of the excavation edge. 
  Extreme heatDehydration, heat exhaustion. Heat strokeReady supply of cold water and Oral rehydration products ie Salt & Dextrose tablets. No work to be conducted under the sun between 12:00 & 15:00 (July & August only). In the event that natural airflow is restricted, industrial air movers will be employed. No worker shall work within the excavation for longer than 40 minutes without a ten minute break in a shaded area which will be provided for this purpose.   
  Contaminated land / soilCOSHH Related injuriesStaff will be briefed on the potential contaminants their nature, the hazards and how to recognise them.
A procedure will be implemented that causes operatives who suspect by sight or smell any such contaminants to be present to report any such suspicion to the competent person present. The competent person on being informed of any contaminate will assume the substance to be hazardous and reassign the workers to a place of safety until the suspected substances have been examined by a competent person specialising in Toxic or harmful substances.  
  Unplanned vehicle movementsPlant on plant incidents. Pedestrian injuriesA strict Plant / Vehicle and operative / pedestrian separation regime will be enforced.
Wearing of high visibility vests.
  Lack of oxygenAsphyxiationContinuous monitoring. Forced Air movement as necessary.     
4Rolling select fillOperatives caught in moving parts of machinesPeople / Plant accidentsCarefully controlled people / vehicle-plant separation regime to be in place. All vehicles etc to be fitted with reversing alarms. Those not necessary to the operation to be excluded from the work area. 
This JHA was prepared by:- This JHA was authorised by:-
D L Woods ESH Manager AAJ-JV   Date:-07 October 2006Name & Position to be inserted Ravindra Raju, Technical Manager Date:- 07 October 2006
  TASK:__________________________________________________________________    Date: ___________________
 Persons in ChargeDesignationSignature

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