Issue of and his settlement
Date: xxx
Kind Attn: HR and Accounts department
Project: 2B + G + 14 + Lower Roof Hotel Building
Plot No.: 373-1297 at Barsha, Dubai
Subject: Issue of Mr.Dilip Saigal and his settlement
Dear Mr.Vinod Arora and Mr.Vasu Dev Mehtan,
With ref. to above who was PM at site during casting of the 1st Slab signed the MR for the slab concrete without reviewing the document and he casted C45 instead of C60, now we have serious issue for this rectification it will cost more than AED100, 000.
Furthermore we also purchased costly safety shoes and he may produce bill to the accounts that should not be in case that is his personal now as he is no more with us.
This is for your kind information and update from site.
For xxx Contracting L.L.C
General Manager