Free Issue Material‐ Bathtub quality issues


Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Contracting Middle East,

                                   P.O.Box xxx,

                                   Dubai, UAE 

Attention          :           Ms. xxx

                        :           Project Director

Project             :           xxx Tower Views, Dubai

Subject                 : Free Issue Material‐ Bathtub quality issues

Dear Mr. xxx,

We again remind you that as per the Sub-contract Agreement, Appendix 2, scope of work, item 2, the bathtubs are a free issue item, selected, inspected, procured and then delivered to our factory by the Main Contractor.

We have requested in our letter ref: xxx dated 18thFebruary xxxx to verify that the delivered bathtubs meet the quality requirement in order not to disrupt the production and delivery cycle of pods.

xxx failed to do so and 90 No. of bathtubs (1600 x 700) were received with visible defects and quality that doesn’t meet the industry standard. We have raised this matter and its criticality in our letters ref: xxx dated 27thApr 20, xxx dated 14 May 20 and xxx dated 21stMay 20 requesting for the replacement of defected bathtubs to avoid disruption of the production.

We are unable to complete the pods without these bathtubs and our production stopped.

Till date no replacement has been done and these bathtubs are impacting the completion of Phase A and B pods. We remind you that from the date we receive the bathtubs, we will need 12 working days at a minimum to finish each pod.

Consequently, Xxx shall not be responsible for the failure of xxx in supplying the requested Free Issue Materials to maintain production. We therefore notify you that any delay that occurs is the sole responsibility of xxx who will bear all the consequences.

We further reserve our right to claim for an Extension of Time resulting from the lack of availability of free issue material affecting production.

On behalf of xxx LLC


Project Manager       

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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