Floor tiling Method statement

Floor tiling Method statement



1.1  To define the requirements and describe the procedure for floor tiling works for the contract no GTC.101/ED/01 Engineering, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning (EPIC) of Ras Laffan Utilization Project –Buildings and utilities and support service Phase 1-Utilities.


2.1 Applicable to all toilet areas and pantry in buildings, work shops & warehouses in Service Base Area, Service Berth Area, FSO Marine and in Telecom building.


3.1  Project Approved Drawings

  • Qatar Petroleum standard Spec. Vol. 1, section 9.42


  • Material approval for tiles, cement mortar, grouting mortar shall be obtained from QP prior to commencement of work. Approval shall be taken form QP for the tiling pattern.
  • Each area to be tiled shall be set out to establish correct datum level and “spot” levels in each area shall control levels.
  • Gauge rods indicating the overall measurements of 10 tiles and joints shall be prepared and used to set out the tiling to ensure that cut tiles are kept minimum.
  • Setting out shall be agreed with the QP engineer before actual tile lying is commenced.
  • Floor tiles shall be laid in cement and sand bedding (1:3) of thickness minimum 15 mm and maximum 20 mm thick. Tiles less than 10 mm thick shall be laid in bedding not exceeding 15 mm thick.
  • Bedding mortar shall be a stiff plastic consistency with only sufficient water incorporated so that when tamped and fully compacted in place. Water does not bleed to the surface.
  • The bedding shall be roughly leveled and compacted and the surface dusted with dry cement powder. Cement powder shall be lightly trowelled in until it becomes damp. Alternatively the back of tiles shall be coated with neat cement and water slurry applied immediately before laying in position.
  • The tiles shall be soaked in clean water for 15-30 minutes before fixing and allowed to drain for 10 minutes to remove all surplus water. Fully vitrified tiles do not require soaking.
  • Tiles shall then be laid in the bedding mix and tamped level.
  • All the tiles laid are to be checked for hollowness sound before grouting is applied. Grouting shall comprise cement and sand (1:1) mixed to a paste consistency with the minimum of water where specified to be colored, pigment shall be thoroughly mixed in with dry cement before the sand is added.
  • The grout shall be applied to the joints in the tiling and worked well in until flush with the tile surface. Surplus grout shall be wiped off with a cloth whilst still wet. Joint grouting shall be carried out with in 4 hours of the completion of the laying of tiles.
  • Tiles shall be laid level or to 1% falls in “wet” areas as may be required. Localized variations in levels for a nominally flat floor shall be a maximum of 63 mm under a 3 meter straight edge .Particular care shall be taken in “wet” areas to prevent low spots and the pooling of water.
  • Skirting of the same tile size as the floor shall be fixed in such a manner that their vertical joints coincides with the horizontal joints of the floor tiles.
  • The site is cleaned and the surrounding is cleared. A Request for Inspection shall be submitted to QP for final inspection and approval of the work.

5.0 Records :

  • Material approval for tile-size and thickness, colour, pattern of laying; grout materials, grout colour and cement mortar.
  • Inspection reports.
  • Checklist.

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