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Claim to deduct amount from machinery supplier

Air Compressor

Air Compressor

Date: 21.02.17


Kind Attn:

Subject:            Claim to deduct amount from machinery supplier

Dear Sir,

With reference to the above mentioned subject, as you know that, while casting the concrete every time ,we need compressor for cleaning the pipe of placing boom . But on dated 13.02.17, the compressor was not working properly then we requested to send other compressor but instead of sending the other compressor ,supplier just sent the technician to repair it but he failed to repair the compressor.

Then again supplier sent the other compressor due to which we caused the delay as it took further more time and we faced the problem to clean the pipe. Due to late arrival of compressor concrete got struck inside the pipe.

As a result ,our labours stayed for over night at site to open the pipe and clean it by water and next day subcontractor have not fixed the pipe So its our right to claim for the deduction of amount from machinery supplier as follows:

Sl noDescriptionAmountTotal Amount
1Over time for labours25X 802000.00
2Food for labours25×15375.00
3Break concrete around the pipe by jack hammer6×100600.00
4Cleaning the water and shifting the immersed material8×80640.00
5Refix placing boom pipe by subcontractor 2000.00
 TOTAL 5,615.00


For Chirag Contracting L.L.C

Project Engineer

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