Method Statement Title: Installation of Bus Duct System.

Method Statement Title: Installation of Bus Duct System.

1.0       Scope

  1. This method statement details the method of installation of Enclosed Bus Assemblies (Plug-in Busways – Indoor and associated accessories required to complete the busway system ) according to the Specification Section 16450.

Note : A separate Method Statement ref. ETA/MS/E-32 shall be submitted for Testing & Commissioning.

2.0       Material

  • All materials shall be as per approved material submittals, shop drawing and single line diagram.
  • 2000A Bus Bar and accessories
    • 1600A Bus Bar and accessories
    • 1200A Bus Bar and accessories.
    • 1000A Bus Bar and accessories.

3.0       Applicable Location

  • Tower E1,E2,E3 & W1,W2,W3.

4.0       Method

4.1       Storage  

  • Busways and accessories received at stores are verified to determine the consignment is correct and complete.
  • Repack the busbars and store at advised by the manufacture
  • Installation
  • Ensure approved documents like shop drawing, electrical layout drawings, DEWA approval, Manufacturer’s drawing and single line diagram are available with the installation team.
  • Check the alignment of busway route in the electrical shaft and on the route from the electrical room to the electrical shaft with plumb bob and sprit level. Do necessary modification for clear straight shaft.
  • Co-ordinate with other services and building structure and make sure that busbar is away from water service.
  • Mark the slab supports  in the electrical shaft and horizontal supports as per the route from electrical room to the electrical shaft.
  • Fix the supports as marked on slab. Make sure that slab can take the weight of the busbar.
  • Hoist the busbar segment to the position with suitable pulley / chain block arrangement
  • Support the busway with suitable hangers in it’s position. Hangers & Supports will be supplied by the manufacturer.
  • The same way the other pieces are erected and the joints are made with the specially made joint bolts using calibrated torque wrench.
  • Check the continuity and the insulation test for each and every joints, and record the results on the approved format.
  • Fix the tap-off boxes in the provision available in the busway and label the phase sequence.
  • Cover the entire installed busway and the tap-off units to protect it from dust and contaminations.
  • Upon completion of installation, manufacturer’s engineer will inspect and certify the installation.
  • Inspection request shall be submitted for Consultant’s inspection and agree prior to DEWA inspection.
  • List of Equipments
  • Chain pulley block
    • Torque wrench.
    • Continuity and Insulation tester.
    • Sprit Level.
    • Tool box with standard spanners.

7.0       Records

  • QC Inspection Check List.
  • Inspection request duly signed-off by NMX and Consultant.
  • Installation certificate from manufacturer.

8.0       Attachment

8.1       Inspection Check List for Installation of Enclosed Bus Assemblies

  •       Enclosed Bus Duct Continuity and Insulation Test Report

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