Reply - Notice of Delay

Order placement and Delivery status; History

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Contracting Middle East,

                                   P.O.Box xxx,

                                   Dubai, UAE 

Attention          :           Ms. xxx

                        :           Project Director

Project             :           xxx Tower Views, Dubai

Subject:                Order placement and Delivery status; History

Dear Eng. xxx,

Below you will find the history and facts related to the cables.

  • On 28th July xxxx, we received the official quotation from Al Fanar with a delivery period of 8-10 weeks.
  • On 29th July xxxx, xxx contacted Mr. xxx and asked him to improve on the delivery schedule so we can proceed further.
  • On 31st July xxxx, xxx sent an email asking for the same (please see Appendix 1).
  • On 1st August, xxxx xxx sent a reminder asking Al Fanar to confirm the stock availability and the final price in order to proceed further.  We did not receive any response to our request.
  • On 4th August xxxx, xxx issued a Draft LPO in order to push the process forward and asked for Al Fanar approval on the Draft in order to finalize it (please see Appendix 2 – copy of our email dated 6th August and copy of the Draft LPO).
  • Al Fanar Mr. xxx replied stating again that delivery is 8-10 weeks with a note that he will check if he can get a partial quantity and update us.
  • On 6th August xxxx, xxx replied asking Al Fanar to confirm the delivery and assume that the official LPO will be sent on or before 7th August xxxx.
  • On 8th August xxxx, xxx sent a reminder to Al Fanar (please see Appendix 3).
  • On 8th August xxxx, Al Fanar responded that the delivery will be 8-10 weeks and they will try to secure a partial quantity.
  • Unipods called Mr. xxx and was informed that delivery now was 8-12 weeks (please see Appendix 4 – Minutes of telephone conversation sent by Unipods to Al Fanar).
  • On 21st August xxxx, xxx sent a new reminder to Al Fanar (please see Appendix 5).
  • On 25th August xxxx, xxx sent a new reminder to Al Fanar (please see Appendix 6).
  • On 27th August xxxx, xxx sent a new reminder to Al Fanar (please see Appendix 7).
  • On 28th August xxxx, Al Fanar replied (in one sentence) that delivery will be 8-10 weeks (please see Appendix 8).
  • On 28th August xxxx, xxx sent a new request asking Al Fanar to reconsider the delivery so we can finalize the order (please see Appendix 9).
  • On 2nd September xxxx, a new reminder was sent to Al Fanar.
  • In the meantime, xxx approached CSCEC trying to approve an alternative brand DUCAB – the details of which are already in your files.
  • On 8th September xxxx, xxx team heard verbally that the alternative option DUCAB will not be approved by the Consultant.
  • On 9th September xxxx, xxx raised the official LPO to Al Fanar without clarity on the delivery schedule.  Since that time, xxx is struggling to get any information. For the sake of completeness, we state that on 12th September xxxx, Al Fanar mentioned that they can supply only 55 rolls within 3 days including 2 colours out of 4 types of wires, which means these cannot complete pods, and are useless for xxx.

Under the above circumstances, please let us know how you would like us to proceed.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Project Manager       

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