Letter from drywall supplier regarding the color of surface paper

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           xxx letter regarding the paper color Dear Sir, Please find the attached letter from the approved drywall […]

Structural slab extension at wash room pod and MEP shaft areas

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           Re. Structural slab extension at wash room pod and MEP shaft areas Dear Sir, We have received […]

Re. B-Status Comments

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           Re. B-Status Comments Dear Sir, We received your letter ref: xxx regarding the B status comments on […]


Date: xxx To        :      xxx CONSTRUCTION,                                                                        xxx PROJECT                      DUBAI.U.A. From   :   xxx                  PROJECTS MANAGER                  xxx OFF SITE COSNTRUCTION                  CONTACT: xxx SUB     :   SPECIFIC MATERIAL FOR POD CONSTRUCTION/ xxx/ Vanity Cabinets in Pods                                                     TO WHOMSO EVER IT MAY CONCERN Dear Sir, We would like to bring into your attention that the required vanity cabinets […]

Response to NCR-xxx

To                    :           xxx                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai, U.A.E. Attention          :           Mr. xxx                                     Commercial Manager Project             :           xxx Development Dubai Subject            :           Response to NCR-xxx Dear Mr. Raza, Further to your NCR dated xxx, ref no: xxx, we would like to bring into your attention that we have completed the snagging […]

Modification Cost to Type 2 Pods

To                    :           xxx                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai, U.A.E. Attention          :           Mr. xxx                                     Commercial Manager Project             :           xxx Development Dubai Subject            :           Modification Cost to Type 2 Pods Dear Mr. xxx, As requested, below you will find the cost involved to modify the existing pod at site which are produced as […]

xxx Response on Inspection Requests for Type 2 & 3

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai, U.A.E. Attention          :           Mr.xxx Project             :           xxx Development Dubai Subject            :           xxx Response on Inspection Requests for Type 2 & 3 Dear Mr. xxx, Please find attached xxx response on commented inspection requests received on type 2 & 3 […]

Grout & Silicone’s Approvals

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai, U.A.E. Attention          :           Mr.xxx Project             :           xxx Development Dubai Subject            :           Grout & Silicone’s Approvals Dear Mr. xxx, We would like to inform you that we received the confirmation from xxx ceramics that they cannot provide us the sample […]

xxx De-snagging

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject                 :               xxx De-snagging Dear Eng. xxx, I was surprised to see an email from your QA/QC Engineer, Mr. xxx, related to a de-snagging incident.  […]

Submitting a better solution for the sliding doors based on the mock up comments.

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Abu Dhabi – UAE. Attention          :           Eng. xxx                         :           Project Director Subject            :           Submitting a better solution for the sliding doors based on the mock up comments. Dear Mr. xxx, Even though we have an approval […]