Abortive works to structural slab for Pod drainage penetration

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           xxx response against letter pertaining “Abortive works to structural slab for Pod drainage penetration” Dear Mr. xxx, […]

xxx response against letter pertaining “Abortive works to structural slab for Pod drainage penetration”

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           xxx response against letter pertaining “Abortive works to structural slab for Pod drainage penetration” Dear Mr. xxx, […]

xxx response against delay notice – fabrication, delivery and installation of pods.

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           xxx response against delay notice – fabrication, delivery and installation of pods. Dear Mr. xxx, We regret […]

Response against benchmark room 24 snag consultant comments.

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           Re. xxx response against benchmark room 24 snag consultant comments. Dear Mr. Munadel, In reference to your […]

Re. Bench Mark pods Door Stopper – xxx Response

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           Re. Bench Mark pods Door Stopper – xxx Response Dear Mr. Munadel, We acknowledge the receipt of […]

Re. Mosaic Tiles – Our Response

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           Re. Mosaic Tiles – Our Response Dear Mr. xxx, We received your letter Ref: xxx on the […]

Re. Bench Mark Pods

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           Re. Bench Mark Pods Dear Mr. xxx, We received your letter ref.: xxx regarding the missing materials […]

Others Traders Working above the pod

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           Others Traders Working above the pod Dear Eng. Munadel, We would like to bring into your attention […]

xxx Response on Updated Delivery Schedule.

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject            :           xxx Response on Updated Delivery Schedule. Dear Eng. Munadel, We refer to your letter Ref: xxx received […]

Delivery of Pods

Our Ref: xxx Date: xxx To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.                                     P. O. Box xxx             Dubai – UAE. Attention          :           xxx                         :           Sr. Project Manager Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai Subject                 : Delivery of Pods Dear Mr. xxx, We refer to our meeting of yesterday during which you asked […]