xxx response against letter pertaining “Abortive works to structural slab for Pod drainage penetration”

xxx response against letter pertaining “Abortive works to structural slab for Pod drainage penetration”

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Construction Co. L.L.C.

                                    P. O. Box xxx

            Dubai – UAE.

Attention          :           xxx

                        :           Sr. Project Manager

Project             :           xxx Park Hotel Dubai

Subject            :           xxx response against letter pertaining “Abortive works to structural slab for Pod drainage penetration”

Dear Mr. xxx,

We received your letter regarding the abortive works to structural slab for Pod drainage penetration and xxx don’t agree to any sort of cost deduction from our certifications.

Please note that the site already have a lot of discrepancies in coring as we all know and xxx is still supporting this project to a big extent to overcome the delays. We would like to remind you that we had produced around 250 different types of pods against 4 types of pods originally to support the project for which we have all rights to claim for a Variation of Contract.

However Please note the below points for your information and record,

  • xxx have not produced neither provided any templates to xxx for the Non typical pods.
  • The list of pods mentioned in your letter Ref: xxx were already installed so we couldn’t verify your claim. If you have noticed any difference it is important that you notify xxx to avoid the situation.
  • We verified all our drawings against the as build drainage positions of the pods and found no discrepancies in any of the pods.
  • xxx have investigated at site together with your team and found no error in our pods against our drawings.  We didn’t find any difference which is exceeding the tolerance.
Pod NoTypical/Non-TypicalPod As per approved drawingRemarks
2R-1-3-03Non-TypicalYes – physically verified at site2 MM difference from site coring
6R-1-3-81Non-TypicalYes – physically verified at site2 MM difference from site coring
7R-1-4-15Non-TypicalYes – physically verified at sitexxx – Drawing was wrong
7L-1-4-14Non-TypicalYes – physically verified at site2MM difference from site coring
Type-1RTypicalYes – physically verified at site12-15 mm difference from coring

Accordingly we would expect the same spirit of cooperation from xxx what we showed towards your project so that we can complete this project as a team successfully.

This is for your information and record.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager

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