HAZARD / WORK: Sub-Surface Delethalisation of Infrastructure LOCATION:______________________________________________ H=High M=Medium L=Low Significant Risks H M L Who May Be Harmed 1 Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries X 2 Dehydration, heat exhaustion. Heat stroke X Employees…………………… X 3 Cuts,… Continue reading ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Subsurface Deglottalization of Infrastructure
Month: October 2022
Method Statement for Grouting of Pipes in Stormwater Single and Double Pipe Catchpits
CONTENTS Purpose Scope of Work Definitions References Materials Tools, Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments Purpose 1.1 To ensure that the grouting of pipes in stormwater catchpits is executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance/ control activities are conducted in a systematic manner, works are… Continue reading Method Statement for Grouting of Pipes in Stormwater Single and Double Pipe Catchpits
JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Grouting of Pipes in Stormwater Single and Double Pipe Catchpits
The responsible person is to ensure the control measures below are in place before the activity is carried out TASK: Grouting of Pipes in Stormwater Single and Double Pipe Catchpits (Types 1, 2 & 3) Date:19 December 2006 No ACTIVITY HAZARD RISK CONTROL MEASURES TO MINIMISE / ELIMINATE RISK RESPONSIBLE PERSON 1… Continue reading JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Grouting of Pipes in Stormwater Single and Double Pipe Catchpits
ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Grouting of Pipes in Stormwater Single and Double Pipe Catchpits
HAZARD / WORK: Grouting of Pipes in Stormwater Single and Double Pipe Catchpits (Types 1, 2 & 3) LOCATION: ______________________________________________ H=High M=Medium L=Low Significant Risks H M L Who May Be Harmed 1 Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries X 2… Continue reading ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Grouting of Pipes in Stormwater Single and Double Pipe Catchpits
Method Statement For GRP LAMINATION
CONTENTS Purpose Scope of Work Definitions References Materials Tools, Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments Purpose 1.1 To ensure that the GRP lamination in sewage manhole and inspection chamber is executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance/ control activities are conducted in a systematic manner,… Continue reading Method Statement For GRP LAMINATION
Toolbox talks for Application of ISOLA N-S Grout
Toolbox talks:-Manual HandlingCOSHHExcavationsNOISE Manual Handling We lift, manoeuvre and handle goods every day of our lives in one way or another, not just whilst at work but also during social activities such as gardening, DIY, shopping and sport. A bad back or injury today, could, and regularly does, turn into a painful back problem for… Continue reading Toolbox talks for Application of ISOLA N-S Grout
Method Statement for Application of ISOLA N-S Grout Material
CONTENTS Purpose Scope of Work Definitions References Materials Tools, Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments Purpose 1.1 To ensure that the application of ISOLA N-S Grout Material is executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance/ control activities are conducted in a systematic manner, works are… Continue reading Method Statement for Application of ISOLA N-S Grout Material
The responsible person is to ensure the control measures below are in place before the activity is carried out TASK: Application of ISOLA N-S Grout Date:18 December 2006 No ACTIVITY HAZARD RISK CONTROL MEASURES TO MINIMISE / ELIMINATE RISK RESPONSIBLE PERSON 1 Service location survey Manual handling operations (MHO’s) Work related upper… Continue reading JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Application of ISOLA N-S Grout
HAZARD / WORK: Application of ISOLA N-S Grout LOCATION:______________________________________________ H=High M=Medium L=Low Significant Risks H M L Who May Be Harmed 1 Work related upper limb disorders. Musculoskeletal injuries. Cuts, abrasions. Foot / toe injuries X 2 Dehydration, heat exhaustion. Heat stroke X Employees…………………… X 3… Continue reading ACTIVITY HAZARD ANALYSIS Application of ISOLA N-S Grout
Method Statement for Placing of Surface Protection Material
CONTENTS Purpose Scope of Work Definitions References Materials Tools, Plant & Equipment Safety Prior Activities Procedure Responsibilities Attachments 1.0 Purpose To ensure that placing of surface protection material and related activities are executed safely and in accordance with the contract requirements and that all quality assurance/control activities are conducted in a systematic manner, works are… Continue reading Method Statement for Placing of Surface Protection Material