xxx De-snagging

Snagging and De-snagging
Snagging and De-snagging

Our Ref: xxx

Date: xxx

To                    :           xxx Construct Company Ltd.

                                    P. O. Box xxx

            Abu Dhabi – UAE.

Attention          :           Eng. xxx

                        :           Project Director

Subject                 :               xxx De-snagging

Dear Eng. xxx,

I was surprised to see an email from your QA/QC Engineer, Mr. xxx, related to a de-snagging incident.  The false allegations mentioned in his email (copy attached together with xxx response) are not only refuted, it’s totally unacceptable and will not pass unaddressed from our side.

We are not sure why Mr. xxx, whom we respect greatly, is attacking xxx in such a way after having delivered your project to the highest level of quality and ahead of schedule.  xxx is not in need to resort to any excuse, let alone the one mentioned in the below message. The pods delivered were inspected in our factory prior to delivery by xxx and xxx, and it’s already handed over.  Furthermore, the apartment he is referring to in his email is one of the benchmark apartments, so it goes without saying that these pods were completely finished, snagged, de-snagged, and used as a reference for the rest of the project.  So, do we really need to prove that we completed our de-snagging work ?!

We have been cooperative to snag and de-snag these pods every time you asked us to do so due to the damages that other subcontractors caused when installing the pod door or doing activities on top of the pods.   Our goodwill and cooperation should not be a source of liability, and we cannot be prone for such attacks, especially when the allegations are of such magnitude.

We kindly request you to investigate the matter further and make sure the relationship between xxx and xxx site people remains as good and as professional as possible.

We thank you in advance and assure you of our full cooperation and support for this and all future projects.

On behalf of xxx LLC


Projects Manager                 

By Md Abu Zaed Khan

Hello, this is Engr. Zaed Khan Planning Engineer, Associate member of Society of Engineers UAE. Expert in construction project planning, FIDIC red book, computation of extension of time claim, Contract agreement and contractual letters.

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