Work under hold for vanity counter design issue

Work under hold for vanity counter design issue

Date:               xxx

Ref:                  xxx

Kind Attn         :Mr. xxx

Project:            2B + G + 14+ Lower Roof Hotel Building on Plot No. 373-1297 at Al Barsha 1st, Dubai

Subject        Work under hold for vanity counter design issue and comments on submittals “approved as noted for 175kg”

Dear Sir,

With reference to above and as per our letter reference no: CC/AP/335/17 DT.20.03.17, We  have not  received formal reply from your end that our supports which are tested for 120 kg is acceptable or not and issue  a separate communication to nullify the note from approval (approved as comment)if you agree for the existing support system in mock up room:

  1. We are  not resubmitting the drawing to revise your comments  because it was commented  approved  as noted for 175 kg load at the counter (our submittal ref no: CC/AP/269/SH/CIV/ID/012 DT.15.03.17)
  • Please note that toilet wall closing is pending and we will close the same after MEP inspection  and clearance of the shop drawing as well as  additional wooden packing not allowed by M/s gypsemna  as per  their advance comments on M/s Home center requirement ( copy attached).
  • We want to inform you that, in the drawing submitted and returned back to M/s Home center without submitting to your office (due to incomplete submission) ,they have shown  in that drawing ply packing requirement at many area and we have forwarded the same to M/s Gypsemna   for their comments and their comments are attached here with as they did not allow the packing inside.

So , kindly review and request to do the needful since our work at site under hold.


For xxx Contracting L.L.C.


Project Manager

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